Croatian Economic Diplomacy webpage presented at MFAEI

On Tuesday, 20 March 2007, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration saw the presentation of the Croatian Economic Diplomacy webpage: Opening speeches were held by Vice-Prime Minister for Economy Damir Polančec, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, and Assistant Minister at the Directorate for International Economic Co-operation Andrea Gustović Ercegovac

In his speech, Vice-Prime Minister Polančec pointed out Croatia’s basic economic goals – increase in economic growth and decrease in unemployment, and noted the growth of certain economic indicators during the last few years. Pointing out the future of the Croatian economy within the context of competitiveness and stressing the importance of the right to information and its availability, Vice-Prime Minister Polančec emphasized as one of the project’s goals the importance of direct communication between economic councillors at Croatian embassies around the world, the Croatian businessmen and exporters, and potential foreign investors.

Minister Grabar-Kitarović said that Croatia’s positioning on the international economic scene, attracting foreign investment and stimulating export are some of the more prominent activities of MFAEI, pointing out that this project should allow current and future Croatian exporters an easier and more transparent access to the conditions and possibilities of doing business on foreign markets. The Croatian Economic Diplomacy webpage therefore represents a basis for our co-operation with the Croatian business community and institutions involved in developing international economic relations, said Minister Grabar-Kitarović. She also pointed out the efforts of the Croatian diplomacy to adapt and direct through interactive co-operation with the relevant institutions, private sector and Croatian public its activities towards the areas relevant for a better and faster global affirmation of Croatia’s economic interests.

Assistant Minister Gustović Ercegovac said that the Croatian Economic Diplomacy webpage and Croatian Export Offensive projects are mutually complementary in the sense of offering information about foreign markets and implementing the strategy through the Croatian diplomatic-consular network abroad. She presented the concept and thematic sections of the Croatian Economic Diplomacy webpage, and presented in short the sections on the activities of the Directorate for International Economic Co-operation, overview of the current state of affairs in the Croatian economy, economic outlines of countries with information about foreign markets, guides for exporters and investors, direct communication with the business community and other interested parties through the Ask the Economic Councillor section, information on international competitions and the Economic Diplomatic Club.

The promotion saw state secretaries, assistant ministers and minister advisors, representatives of Croatian companies and boards of directors, employees of scientific and economic institutions and agencies, and numerous others.

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