Croatian and BiH delegations continue border talks

Croatian delegation led by Assistant Minister Andreja Metelko-Zgombić and delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina led by Chairman of Commission for Integrated Border Management Miro Džakula met 15 April to continue talks on border crossings and border regime

Croatian delegation led by Assistant Minister Andreja Metelko-Zgombić and delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina led by Chairman of Commission for Integrated Border Management Miro Džakula met 15 April to continue talks on border crossings and border regime.

In question are new treaties adapted to the EU legislature, i.e. the standards and regulations on persons and goods control at its outer border, which will set up a new and comprehensive system of crossings along the 1000 km border. The crossings fall into several categories, from border crossings with all the services for persons and goods control (the so-called BIP) to international crossings and crossings for cross-border traffic.

The delegations also discussed the content of the new cross-border traffic treaty that introduces a new cross-border regime adapted to the acquis and which should simplify border crossing for people living along the state border.

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