Croatian and Austrian foreign ministers meet in Vienna

Croatian First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign and European Affairs Minister Vesna Pusic and Austrian Vice-Chancellor and Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger...

 VIENNA, June 26 (Hina) - Croatian First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign and European Affairs Minister Vesna Pusic and Austrian Vice-Chancellor and Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger in Vienna on Wednesday underlined the significance of Croatia's coming European Union entry as well as the partner-like and friendly relations between the two countries during Croatia's path to EU membership and the importance of continuing and deepening these relations after Croatia is accepted to the EU.

These are special days for Croatia and I wish to emphasise that the people of Croatia can truly be proud of what they have achieved. After years of hard work you have come to your final goal and on Sunday we will celebrate the entry of the 28th member of the EU, Spindelegger said. We Austrians are very proud that we were by your side the entire time and supported you on your path to Europe and it is also our success to have you become the 28th member of the European Union, Spindelegger said.

According to Spindelegger, July 1 will be a great day for Croatia and the European Union for two reasons. The first is that Croatia's success is a positive example for the region as other country aspirants can see Croatia's entry as a sign of encouragement and that they need to strongly move forward to achieve the great deal of work waiting for them. Secondly, this will be confirmation and a sign of the EU's attractiveness, despite differing opinions, is still alive.

For Croatia this is a great step forward, Spindelegger stressed, adding that the talks with Pusic focussed on Croatia's future after it joins the EU on July 1 and the days to follow. We would like to continue our cooperation as good partners and friends in many joint projects in the future, he said. Thanking Austria and Spindelegger for its support, patience and partnership during the long preaccession process, Minister Pusic underscored the great satisfaction with the fact that both Croatia and Austria would as of July 1 be partners within the EU.

"Despite the fact that there are people within the EU who do not realise why anyone would wish to join the EU in these difficult circumstances, we who during our lifetime have seen the alternative to stability and lasting peace, the alternative to functioning institutions, that is very clear. It is a great advantage to have a guarantee of political stability, a guarantee of longevity of one's own institutions and lasting peace", she said. These are fundamental matters which are often taken for granted within the EU but for us they represent very clear advantages for all the countries of southeast Europe who are on the path to European reforms and toward membership of the EU. We comprehend this as our own responsibility and are counting on Austria's partnership to work with these countries because above all that will make life for the people in those countries easier but for the people of Croatia too, said Pusic. Asked by reporters of Croatia's ability to absorb European funds for development projects, Pusic answered that Croatia was "absolutely prepared" to use these funds.

Croatia, she said, as a member will be faced with potential funding which are much larger than those we have already used and as such, Croatia has expanded the team that will work directly on these matters.

Asked about Croatia's role and impact within the EU, Minister Pusic underscored Croatia's special role in helping countries in Southeast Europe as aspirant members with regard to the fact that the language is comprehensible in these countries and the common political history and similar obstacles on the pathway to the EU.

Asked if membership of the EU will help Croatia fight corruption, Minister Pusic answered in the negative adding that Croatia had to resolve that problem on its own but that it has taken a huge step in solving this problem which has touched even the highest officials.

Croatia's foreign minister is attending a special celebration in Vienna marking Croatia's accession to the European Union. She met with President of the National Council of Austria Barbara Prammer in the parliament and held a speech to Austrian lawmakers on "Croatia - the Newest member of the European Union".

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