Croatian ambassador Biščević heads OSCE expert team in Ukraine

(Hina) - The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe on Thursday started to deploy a team of 15 international experts to Ukraine as part of a national dialogue project...

(Hina) - The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe on Thursday started to deploy a team of 15 international experts to Ukraine as part of a national dialogue project, and the team is led by Croatian Ambassador Hidajet Biščević, the OSCE said in a press release.

The international experts will be deployed for four weeks in locations agreed with the Ukrainian government to gather information about issues of concern, in particular political, humanitarian and minority issues.

The project aims to contribute to a peaceful and sustainable political transition in the country and to address problematic issues through dialogue.

The team is being deployed following a request by Ukraine and will submit a final report with concrete recommendations on how the OSCE can support dialogue and restore confidence in Ukraine on the local, regional and national levels.

Press releases