Croatia welcomes agreement to halt Iran’s nuclear program

The Republic of Croatia welcomes the agreement between P5+1 (the US, Great Britain, Germany, France, Russia and China, assisted by the EU) and Iran on halting Iran’s nuclear program

The Republic of Croatia welcomes the agreement between P5+1 (the US, Great Britain, Germany, France, Russia and China, assisted by the EU) and Iran on halting Iran’s nuclear program. This is an important step towards reaching the final goal – preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

The agreement gives hope for peace and stability in the region and represents an important victory for diplomacy. The Republic of Croatia supports further efforts by all sides aimed at reaching an all-encompassing solution as stating in the agreement.

We call for Iran to fully commit to implementing the agreement that guarantees access and oversight to IAEA inspectors at the nuclear facilities in Natanz and Fordo, which should restore the international community’s confidence in the nature of Iran’s nuclear program. On their part, P5 will ensure that certain sanctions against Iran are alleviated, but in case commitments are not met the relieving of sanctions will stop and additional sanctions will be imposed against Iran. 

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