Croatia's negotiations with the EU to start on 17 March 2005

Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader, Foreign Minister Miomir Žužul, European Integrations Minister Kolinda Grabar Kitarović and Culture Minister Božo Biškupić took part today, 17 December 2004, in Brussels, together with presidents and prime ministers of the EU members and candidates, at the European Council meeting that adopted the joint Presidency Conclusions and reached a decision on opening the accession negotiations with Croatia on 17 March 2005

European Council’s conclusions that concern Croatia read as follows:

“The European Council noted with satisfaction the progress made by Croatia in preparation for the opening of accession negotiations.

Reaffirming its conclusions of June 2004, it urged Croatia to take the necessary steps for full cooperation with ICTY and reiterated that the remaining indictee must be located and transferred to the Hague as soon as possible.

It invited the Commission to present to the Council a proposal for a framework for negotiations with Croatia, taking full account of the experience of the fifth enlargement. It requested the Council to agree on that framework with a view to opening the accession negotiations on 17 March 2005 provided that there is full cooperation with ICTY.”

At the margins of the European Council meeting, the Croatian high delegation held a series of meetings with statesmen from the EU members who expressed their full support to Croatia’s acceding to the EU.

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