Croatia marks UN Day

Croatia marks UN Day

On this day, we mark the anniversary of the United Nations to commemorate the entry into force of its founding Charter in 1945, which laid the foundation for preserving world peace and security, as well as for tackling economic, social and political challenges through international cooperation. The UN Day reminds us of the importance of unity and multilateralism as a response to future challenges, bearing in mind peace and security, development and human rights as the three basic pillars of UN activities.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused new challenges and underlined the importance of a multilateral approach, which is why this year’s General Assembly session was themed “Building resilience through hope – to recover from COVID-19, rebuild sustainably, respond to the needs of the planet, respect the rights of people, and revitalise the United Nations”. Apart from the pandemic and UN revitalization, UNGA 76 also reflected on the importance of preserving peace, conflict prevention, gender equality, human rights protection, fighting poverty and climate change.  

The importance Croatia attaches to the issue of human rights and peace was underlined by Foreign Minister Gordan Grlić Radman’s participation in UNGA 76 meetings, notably the ministerial meeting on the Responsibility to Protect, ministerial meeting on Afghanistan, ministerial meeting of the Community of Democracies, and the high-level meeting on international humanitarian law.

Next year, Croatia will mark 30 years of UN membership, during which it has achieved numerous results and contributed to the activities of prestigious UN bodies such as the Security Council, Human Rights Council, ECOSOC and the Peacebuilding Commission. In June this year, Croatia was re-elected to ECOSCOC for the 2022-2024 period. The priorities will include implementing the sustainable development goals, supporting the One Health initiative as well as integrating the approach to human, animal and plant health and cooperation among relevant sectors in preventing future pandemics and alleviating the effects of the present one.


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