Croatia hopes that demise of Gaddafi’s regime marks end of fratricidal bloodshed in Libya and victory of democratic forces led by National Transitional Council

We congratulate the Libyan people on the victory over repression and despotism, and call on the victors to be dignified in their victory and renew the national unity

We congratulate the Libyan people on the victory over repression and despotism, and call on the victors to be dignified in their victory and renew the national unity. Libya and its people face a monumental challenge of reconstructing the country, instituting a functional democratic rule, setting up institutions and preparing the parliamentary elections. Assisting the Libyan people in the following transition is the unequivocal responsibility of the international community in order to prevent the country’s possible internal instability.

As a NATO member, Croatia is proud to have assisted the democratic forces in their victory. We would also like to state our willingness, based on our own historic and political experience in overcoming post-conflict tensions and undergoing successful democratic transition, to assist in reconstructing the country and setting up democratic institutions that would serve all of Libya’s citizens.

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