- Published: 14.10.2003.
Croatia became a member of the Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee and the Intergovernmental Council of the International Hydrological Programme...

The Republic of Croatia became a member of the two currently most important UNESCO bodies: the Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee and the Intergovernmental Council of the International Hydrological Programme.
The elections were held on 13 October 2003 in the seat of UNESCO in Paris, within the 32nd General Assembly of UNESCO, and whose Vice-President and Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia is Ms. Neda Ritz.
The Republic of Croatia shall be represented at the Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee by Mr. Miroslav Radman, world famous scientist and member of the French Academy. Wide support of the Member States to the Croatian candidacy is even more important as bioethics and water are issues of great concern of the world scientific public, and of UNESCO as well.
In addition to the above named Committees, the Republic of Croatia has also been a member of the Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to Its Countries of Origin or Its Restitution in Case of Illicit Appropriation since 2001 whose Vice-President is the Croatian representative, Ms. Bianka Perčinić-Kavur, Assistant Minister of Culture of the Republic of Croatia.