Cooperation on Trans-Adriatic Pipeline and Ionian-Adriatic Pipeline

Deputy Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Joško Klisović 23 May paid an official visit to Tirana, where he co-signed on behalf of Croatia a memorandum of agreement on support and cooperation in the realization of the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) and Ionian-Adriatic Pipeline (IAP) projects

Deputy Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Joško Klisović 23 May paid an official visit to Tirana, where he together with Albanian Foreign Minister Aldo Bumçi, Vice Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina Zlatko Lagumdžija and Montenegrin Foreign Minister Igor Lukšić signed on behalf of Croatia a memorandum of agreement on support and cooperation in the realization of the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) and Ionian-Adriatic Pipeline (IAP) projects. The ceremony was attended by Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha.

These two mutually linked projects represent one of the options of further diversification of European supply sources by transporting natural gas from the Caspian basin, which should upgrade the energy security in both Southeast Europe and the entire European continent.

In their addresses at the signing ceremony, attended also by official representatives of Italy and Greece – through which TAP is planned to run, cosignatories of the memorandum expressed hope that the Shah Deniz consortium would recognize the value of TAP and IAP when reaching the final decision on the new European gas route. The memorandum confirms full political support for TAP and IAP by all six Southeast European countries.

Before signing the memorandum, Klisović met with Albanian Minister of Economy, Trade and Energy Florjon Mima, with whom he discussed the current status of Croatia-Albania economic relations as well as new areas of potential cooperation through projects of mutual interest. 

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