Condolences to family of Baron Vranyczany

Janko Dobrinović Vranyczany was one of the doyens of Croatian diplomacy...

Janko Dobrinović Vranyczany was one of the doyens of Croatian diplomacy, representing Croatia in Brussels since October 1991 as the head of the Croatian Office for Relations with the EC and NATO, before Croatia was internationally recognized, but thanks in no small part to Baron Vranyczany was well-known in Brussels, the capital of then-European Community. After Croatia’s international recognition, he was the ambassador at the EU and NATO, following his tenures as the tourism minister of Croatia’s first democratic government and advisor to the president. A tireless lobbyist for Croatia in the international circles, Baron Vranyczany was a mentor to diplomats, a person who was always willing to share his knowledge and immense experience with others. We will miss his joyful spirit and talks about people and events that he had taken place in during his long and fruitful life.

The first deputy prime minister and minister of foreign and European affairs, on behalf of herself, the Croatian diplomacy and the ministry’s employees, would like to extent condolences to the baron’s family.

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