At yesterday’s session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg the Resolution was adopted on the closing of the enlargement negotiations in Copenhagen

At yesterday’s session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg the Resolution was adopted on the closing of the enlargement negotiations in Copenhagen, prepared by Elmar Brok, President of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy. The European Parliament gave its formal assent to the admission of 10 candidate states to the EU.

Paragraph 47 of the Resolution reiterates the European perspective for the countries of the Western Balkans and their status as potential candidates for the EU membership. The European Parliament expects the next EU Presidency to continue with intensifying co-operation with the SAA countries for the purposes of promoting a higher level of participation in the political and economic mainstream of Europe.

Paragraph 52 is of particular importance for Croatia, as in it the European Parliament welcomes Croatia’s application for admission and expresses its confidence that this will help strengthen peace and stability in South Eastern Europe. It also hopes that Croatia will take concrete steps to meet the Copenhagen criteria and calls on the Croatian Government to co-operate with the ICTY in The Hague.

Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes the inclusion of Croatia’s application into the European Parliament Resolution as a sign of support for Croatia on its way towards the EU.

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