Assistant Minister Marušić attends conference on EU Strategy for Danube Region

Assistant Minister Hrvoje Marušić 27 November attended the ceremonial opening of an international conference on “Research and Entrepreneurship – Partnership for Growth and Internationalization of SMEs in the Danube Region”

Assistant Minister Hrvoje Marušić 27 November attended the ceremonial opening of an international conference on “Research and Entrepreneurship – Partnership for Growth and Internationalization of SMEs in the Danube Region”, organized by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts, the academic community and SMEs representatives.

The conference was held within the Priority Area 8 (competitiveness, including development of clusters) of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, in which Croatia participates with 13 other countries. In charge of the coordination of Priority Area 8 are Croatia and Baden-Württemberg.

Marušić addressed the conference as Croatia’s national EUSDR coordinator, thanking the organizers for providing yet another incentive to the implementation of the strategy. Underscoring the activities that Croatia and Baden-Württemberg are running as part of the strategy as well as the successful cooperation between Croatia and Germany, Marušić announced a Croatia-Germany forum to be held in eraly-2014 and focus on economic growth, competitiveness and the role of regions in European-level economic and political reforms.  

As an important aspect of Croatia’s participation in EUSDR Marušić pointed out maximum coherency of activities within the strategy with the national priorities of using EU funds as defined by the Partnership Agreement and Operational Programs for 2014-2020, as well as the Territorial Cooperation Operational Programs. 

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