Assistant Minister Kuprešak receives BiH ambassador

Assistant Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Željko Kuprešak received Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina Azra Kalajdžisalihović to underscore that vandalizing the property of Croats returning to Bosanska Posavina is completely unacceptable

Assistant Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Željko Kuprešak received Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina Azra Kalajdžisalihović to underscore that vandalizing the property of Croats returning to Bosanska Posavina is completely unacceptable. Croatia advocates the return of Croats to Bosnia and Herzegovina and assists in the reconstruction of their homes as well as in setting up sustainable return and subsistence. Repeated break-ins, destruction and theft, notably in Republika Srpska, spread fear and insecurity among the returnees, and endanger the very process Croatia is fighting for. Kuprešak called for the competent authorities to do all it takes so that such acts against Croats and their property would not happen again. 

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