Assistant FM Skračić attends Yemen donor conference

Assistant Foreign Minister Vice Skračić 3 April 2018 attended the High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen

Assistant Foreign Minister Vice Skračić 3 April 2018 attended the High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen. In his address, Skračić underlined that Croatia fully supported the United Nations’ political and humanitarian engagement in Yemen, stressing the need for an urgent stabilization of the country through a political solution and ending the conflict. Croatia will donate USD 50,000 to Yemen via the World Food Programme.  

The event, co-hosted by Switzerland and Sweden, was held in Geneva. The keynote address was delivered by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who underscored the need to ensure humanitarian access given the high risk of pandemics and widespread malnourishment.

High-level speakers, including European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides, all stressed the importance of a political solution to the conflict as well as opening the sea- and airports so that humanitarian aid could reach those who need it the most.  

The Yemen aid programme has so far gathered 40% of the sum needed for 2018. 

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