Anniversary of UN Charter and ICJ Statute, effective as of October 24th 1945, is since 1948 marked as UN Day

The UN is a universal international organization of sovereign countries crated after WWII with the task of preserving international peace and security, developing friendly relations between nations and promoting an overall social development and human rights

The Republic of Croatia has been a member of the UN since 1992 and is taking part in its activities through its permanent missions in New York, Vienna and Geneva, as well as though the mission to UNESCO in Paris. During its membership, Croatia has been building and solidifying its reputation as a responsible member of the international community, which is also reflected in its election into two main UN bodies: ECOSOC (2000-2002) and the Security Council (2008-2009).

In this second and final year of its non-permanent Security Council membership, we can say that Croatia’s membership, as well as its presidency over the “world government” in December last year, was successful and that Croatia has gained a valuable experience that will reflect in its future foreign-policy activities.

Of special importance is Croatia’s contribution to the UN peacekeeping efforts. We can proudly point out that this year we are marking the 10th anniversary of Croatia’s first participation in a UN peacekeeping mission - the one in Sierra Leone. This is important given the fact that in this short time since becoming a UN member, Croatia has gone from a country whose territory saw one of the biggest UN peacekeeping missions to a country providing peacekeeping forces. Currently, Croatia is participating in 10 UN peacekeeping operations around the globe.

Croatia can also proudly state that it has grown from an international aid recipient into a provider of development assistance to the countries in need. A great help in those and other activities is provided precisely by the UN, whose six agencies, organizations and funds are residentially active in Croatia.

Croatia is advocating a policy of active international cooperation and in that regard deems it necessary to carry on with the UN reform process, which would strengthen its role in solving the global challenges of today.

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