Ambassador Željko Bošnjak signed in Hanoi with Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Thanh Son Agreement on Visa Cancellation for Holders of Diplomatic and Official Passports

The cancelling of visas for holders of diplomatic and official passports is a testimony to the excellent bilateral relations between Croatia and Vietnam, pointed out in his speech Ambassador Bošnjak

The cancelling of visas for holders of diplomatic and official passports is a testimony to the excellent bilateral relations between Croatia and Vietnam, pointed out in his speech Ambassador Bošnjak, applauding this positive step that will facilitate travels and business visits, as well as contribute to further development of the two countries’ overall cooperation.

In the follow-up meeting, Ambassador Bošnjak familiarized his collocutor with the current political situation in Croatia, its foreign policy’s basic guidelines and achievements, historical and cultural heritage, as well as with the state of affairs in the region.

Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Thanh Son said that Vietnam sees Croatia as the most important country in the region, pointing out that Croatia is the first ex-SFRY country to sign such an agreement. He also pointed out that preparations for the signing of two economic bilateral agreements are nearing completion – the Agreement on the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Agreement on the Stimulation and Protection of Investments, which will further strengthen the economic relations.

The last few years sow a marked increase in the Vietnamese business partners’ interest in cooperation with the Croatian business partners, namely in shipbuilding, construction, agriculture, processing, electro, and pharmaceutical industry, as well as in tourism.

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