Ambassador Vesna Cvjetković Kurelec handed over her credentials to Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili

At the meeting they stressed good bilateral relations between the Republic of Croatia and Georgia, and a special emphasis was placed on the improvement of economic relations for which there is mutual interest

At the meeting they stressed good bilateral relations between the Republic of Croatia and Georgia, and a special emphasis was placed on the improvement of economic relations for which there is mutual interest.

She conveyed the support of the Republic of Croatia to all efforts aimed at the achievement of peaceful and permanent solution while at the same time respecting territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia within its internationally recognised borders.

They welcomed efforts invested by Georgia into the realisation of its Euro-Atlantic objectives and success with the start of negotiations on the Association Agreement with the European Union and with the liberalisation of the visa regime with the Member States of the European Union.

During her stay in Georgia, Ambassador Cvjetković Kurelec met with representatives of the international community in Tbilisi and with the Head of the European Union Monitoring Mission, dr. Hansjörg Haber, who informed her about the activities of the mission and about the current situation in the Southern Caucasus.

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