Ambassador Jakša Muljačić opened Croatian Folk Costume exhibition

The opening saw the attendance of numerous invitees, representatives of the local government and diplomatic corps, as well as the distinguished Croats living in Switzerland

The opening saw the attendance of numerous invitees, representatives of the local government and diplomatic corps, as well as the distinguished Croats living in Switzerland. Apart from Ambassador Muljačić, speeches were held by Head of the Appenzell Innerrhoden canton Lorenz Koller, Director of Zagreb Ethnographic Museum Damodar Frlan, and conservator at the Appenzell Museum Roland Inauen. Beside the excellent cooperation between these two institutions, all of the collocutors pointed out the excellent integration of Croats in the the Appenzell Innerrhoden canton.

The excellent cooperation between the Appenzell Museum and the Zagreb Ethnographic Museum, begun in 2005 with the Pag lace exhibition, thus continued with yet another valuable display of Croatia’s cultural heritage. The exhibition will remain open until September 15th, while the visitors will be able to see the richness of colour, decoration, form and material of the folk costumes from all parts of Croatia, carefully chosen by the exhibition’s author Vesna Zorić. The exhibition also marks the International Museum Day, celebrated May 18th.

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