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Minister Picula spoke with Mrs. Noelle Lenoir, the Minister for the EU at the MFA of France....On the margins of the 112th Meeting of the CoE Committee of Ministers, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, Tonino Picula spoke with the Minister for the European Union at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, Mrs. Noelle Lenoir.15.05.2003. | Press releases
Croatia shall forward a consignment of ammunition and military equipment to Afghanistan...Pursuant to the decision of the Croatian Government from September 2002, the Republic of Croatia shall forward today a consignment of ammunition and military equipment to Afghanistan. This is the third consignment in a row and the last one as a support to the Afghan People's Army within the efforts for the normalisation of the situation and the establishment of state structures in this country. 14.05.2003. | Press releases
Ms. Natalija Bukovec was appointed as the Acting Spokesperson of the MFA of the Republic of Croatia...Since Mr. Žarko Plevnik is to assume the duty of Consul General of the Republic of Croatia in Hamburg, Ms. Natalija Bukovec was appointed as the Acting Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia as of 5 May 2003.14.05.2003. | Press releases
In yesterday's broadcast of "Meridijan 16" a contribution titled "Molat Sorrows"...In yesterday's broadcast of “Meridijan 16” a contribution titled “Molat Sorrows” made a brief comment on the meeting held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 7 May 2003. The commentator said that camp inmates and victims of WWII were told by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, Tonino Picula, that they should have raised the issue of indemnity in the former Yugoslavia, which does not reflect the content nor the tone of the meeting. 09.05.2003. | Press releases
Minister Picula received Mr Veljko Džakula, the Chairman of the Managing Board of the Serbian Democratic Forum...On 9 May 2003, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, Tonino Picula, received the Chairman of the Managing Board of the Serbian Democratic Forum, Mr Veljko Džakula who informed the Minister about the problems of repossession and reconstruction of the houses destroyed in the areas of special state concern, and about the problem of tenancy rights.09.05.2003. | Press releases
Minister Picula gave a lecture at the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb...On 9 May 2003, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, Tonino Picula, gave a lecture at the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, within the framework of the "EU Days”, on the subject of "Adjustment of educational system of Croatia to the European Union". The Minister said that joining the EU was not only a strategic goal of the foreign policy of the Republic of Croatia, but also a continually expressed will of more than three quarters of citizens of Croatia.09.05.2003. | Press releases
Ambassador Ibler handed checks amounting to AUD 5000 to Croatian families from Canberra...On 9 May 2003, Mr. Mladen Ibler, Ambassador of Croatia in Canberra, handed checks amounting to AUD 5000 to Croatian families from Canberra whose houses were ruined in one of the largest fires in the history of Australia in January this year.09.05.2003. | Press releases
Minister Picula and Ms. Željka Antunović held a meeting with the North Atlantic Council ...Mr. Tonino Picula, the Croatian Foreign Minister and Ms. Željka Antunović, the Croatian Defence Minister, held a meeting with the North Atlantic Council within the first round of Membership Action Plan on 8 May, at the headquarters of NATO in Brussels. A separate meeting was also held with Mr. George Robertson, NATO Secretary-General, who commended Croatia on defence reforms it has initiated.08.05.2003. | Press releases
Minister Picula in his welcoming address at the opening of the Regional Summit of SEE First Ladies...The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, Tonino Picula, in his welcoming address at the opening of the Regional Summit of SEE First Ladies on Thursday, 8 April 2003, expressed his satisfaction with the fact that this event, as a confirmation of a positive, project-oriented way of thinking, reflected the feeling of responsibility toward both the community and the welfare of each individual person.08.05.2003. | Press releases
Minister Picula held a lecture at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb...In the lecture on the achievements of the Croatian foreign policy held on 7 May 2003 at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb, Mr. Tonino Picula, the Croatian Foreign Minister, emphasised the path that the Republic of Croatia passed in less than three years towards the membership in the EU as its strategic priority and pointed out the importance of fulfilling the Copenhagen criteria. 08.05.2003. | Press releases