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State Secretary Biščević met in Zagreb with State Secretary of Slovenian MFA Cerar Pursuant to the agreement between Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader and Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša, reached at the working meetings held 21 January and 6 March 2005 in Mokrice and Bovac, State Secretary at the MFAEI Hido Biščević met today 11 March in Zagreb with State Secretary at the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Božo Cerar11.03.2005. | Press releases
Minister Grabar-Kitarović met in Vienna with Federal Chancellor Schüssel and Foreign Minister PlassnikMinister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović met today, 10 March 2005, during her first official visit to the Republic of Austria, with Federal Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel and Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik10.03.2005. | Press releases
State Secretary Bakota sent a note of protest to BH Ambassador DizdarevićState Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Gordan Bakota invited, 10 March 2005, the ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina Zlatko Dizdarević to a talk at the Ministry and sent him a note of protest10.03.2005. | Press releases
Acknowledgement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration to Indian authoritiesThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration would like to thank the highest state officials and the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the Indian Embassy in Zagreb, for their utmost concern shown to the president of the Croatian Parliament Vladimir Šeks after the tragic death of his son Domagoj in the Federal Indian State of Goa09.03.2005. | Press releases
State Secretary Biščević visiting Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland State Secretary for Political Affairs Hido Biščević is paying visit 6-10 March 2005 to Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland08.03.2005. | Press releases
News from the Croatian Embassy in India, 8 March 2005The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration received information today, 8 March 2005, from the Croatian Embassy in India that the body of Domagoj Šeks, son of Croatian Parliament’s president Vladimir Šeks, was unmistakably identified08.03.2005. | Press releases
Minister Grabar-Kitarović received President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović received today, 7 March 2005 in Zagreb, the delegation of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, led by Ljupčo Jordanovski07.03.2005. | Press releases
News from the Croatian Embassy in IndiaThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration received last night, 6 March 2005, information from the Croatian Embassy in India regarding the disappearance of a young Croatian in the tourist area of Goa07.03.2005. | Press releases
Minister Grabar-Kitarović and State Secretary Biščević received US Ambassador Frank Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović and State Secretary Hido Biščević received today, 3 March 2005, US Ambassador to Croatia Ralph Frank04.03.2005. | Press releases
State Secretary Biščević received SMN Ambassador SimurdićState Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Hido Biščević received today, 3 March 2005, Ambassador of Serbia and Montenegro Milan Simurdić. Ambassador Simurdić03.03.2005. | Press releases