The Croatian-Bavarian Economic Forum was held at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs on Monday, 11 June 2012 as part of the 31st session of the Permanent Croatian-Bavarian Commission, in celebration of the 40th anniversary since its establishment.

The Forum was opened by Assistant to the Minister for European Affairs Hrvoje Marušić

The Forum was opened by Assistant to the Minister for European Affairs Hrvoje Marušić, Dr. Gabriele Stauner on behalf of Minister for Federal and European Affairs in the Bavarian Government Emilie Müller, and director of the Sector for International Relations of the Croatian Chamber of Economy Sunčanica Skupnjak Kapić.

The Economic Forum was attended by 37 representatives from 21 companies, 5 from Bavaria and 15 from Croatia. Experiences were exchanged between the Bavarian and Croatian companies relating to operating on the Croatian market, and the problems faced by Croatian companies in the context of placing their products and services in Bavaria and throughout the European Union were also identified. Ways to stimulate investments and remove barriers faced by potential Bavarian investors in Croatia were also discussed, particularly regarding the work of local governments.

At the Economic Forum, it was stressed that the Federal Republic of Germany is one of Croatia's most important economic partners, and it was emphasised that relations are particularly good with the Federal Province of Bavaria. In that sense, it was stated that Germany is in first place for arrivals of foreign tourists (1.6 million in 2011), with almost one-third of all German tourists originating from Bavaria.

Furthermore, Germany is Croatia's second most important foreign trading partner, and third largest investor. In terms of economic cooperation with the Federal Province of Bavaria, it was emphasised that 1304 Bavarian companies operate in Croatia, while 88 companies have representative offices in Croatia.

The excellent economic relations, in addition to the cooperation between Croatian and Bavarian companies, are confirmed in the intensive visits by economic delegations. It was therefore concluded that the bilateral economic cooperation between the two countries is good, while there is still room for improvement and it was agreed that constant contacts be kept.

Concrete contacts were achieved between companies from the IT sector, renewable energy sources and other areas. On this occasion, the desire to hold a Croatian Economy Day in Bavarian next year was emphasised, with a focus on companies from the automobile, IT, food and electronic industry sectors, as well as energy and transport.

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