Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Gordan Jandroković met with Austrian Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Minister for European and International Affairs Michael Spindelegger, Slovakian Foreign Minister Mikuláš Dzurinda

The ministers confirmed the excellent and traditionally friendly relations between Croatia, Austria and Slovakia

The ministers confirmed the excellent and traditionally friendly relations between Croatia, Austria and Slovakia. Minister Jandroković thanked Austria and Slovakia for their continuous support and assistance to Croatia since its gaining of independence, as well as ministers Spindelegger and Dzurinda for their personal engagement during the process of Croatia’s EU accession. He pointed out that that was confirmed by the joint visit as well, which gave a clear and unequivocal support for completing Croatia’s accession process as soon as possible.

Minister Jandroković informed his colleagues about the current status of Croatia’s EU accession negotiations and presented the actions being taken to close them by the end of the Hungarian EU presidency in June. In that regard, he noted that Croatia had temporarily closed 30 chapters and was doing all it took to satisfy the criteria for closing Chapter 23: Judiciary and Fundamental Rights, and Chapter 8: Competition Policy. All of this is proof that Croatia is ready to join the EU as soon as possible and a clear indication that the negotiations are nearing their successful completion, said the minister.

Minister Spindelegger said that the primary purpose of the visit to Croatia was to show public support for Croatia and the closing of its negotiations with the EU in June. Croatia is on the verge of becoming a full-fledged member of the EU, which is what we would like to see it as, said Spindelegger, adding that Croatia was also needed in the projects of Central Europe, where it belongs itself. The pointed out the Danube Region Strategy as an example of a macro-regional project in which Croatia’s participation is greatly appreciated.

Minister Dzurinda too sent a clear and positive signal of encouragement and support for Croatia’s completing the accession negotiations in June. This joint visit, said Dzurinda, is also an attempt to overcome the enlargement fatigue on the part of the EU. Reiterating their conviction in Croatia’s readiness to close the negotiations in June, the Austrian and Slovakian ministers emphasized the importance of Croatia’s EU membership from the perspective of the countries in the region as well, which will thus be additionally motivated to meet all the criteria and continue along their European path.

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