Remarking that the relations between the two countries are very good, as well as their cooperation within multilateral frameworks, despite the geographical distance, Ministers Jandroković and Aman concluded that both countries take interest in strengthening bilateral cooperation, in particular their economic relations. In that context they gave careful attention to the fields of tourism, culture, science and education.

In the part of talks related to economic relations, they stressed the need to intensify the cooperation of Malaysian and Croatian companies with a view to increasing trade exchange. The meeting of Malaysian Minister of Foreign Affairs Aman with Croatian businessmen which will be held today should be of assistance in this respect. In the meeting special attention will be paid to business projects of mutual interest.

Minister Jandroković invited the Malaysian party to invest in Croatia and stressed the importance of the Rijeka and Zadar ports which could serve to Malaysian companies as the bridge towards European markets, and Minister Aman invited the Croatian party to take part in Malaysian market with the total population of more than 500 million, stressing that for Croatian companies it could be the access point to other Asian markets. Apart from that, the parties in particular marked the segments of defence and shipbuilding industry, as well as oil, pharmaceutical, food processing, petrochemical, and wood-processing industry and tourism as the fields of mutual economic interest.

The Ministers exchanged opinions on the political situation in South East Asia and on the situation in South East Europe. Minister Jandroković informed Minister Aman on the current state of Croatia's negotiations for the accession to the EU and emphasised that Croatian goal is to complete the negotiations by the end of the current or the beginning of the following year. He also said that the Republic of Croatia strongly supports the strengthening of multilateral channels between Europe and Asia which would add to the strengthening of interaction and mutual understanding between these two regions.

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