The parties discussed the current political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They addressed the atmosphere in the run-up to the election and post-election expectations, expressing their wish that, after the election, Bosnia and Herzegovina would take the road of social development. They emphasised that it is of vital importance that European countries and the USA keep their interest in the developments taking place in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

High Representative Inzko extended his special gratitude to Minister Jandroković for the clear and open support of the Republic of Croatia in the process of granting to Bosnia and Herzegovina the NATO Membership Action Plan. They also discussed the concrete activities the Bosnian side is taking with a view to coming closer to NATO membership.

Minister Jandroković said that the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina are partners and good neighbours, emphasising the constructive activities taken by highest Croatian officials that are evident even outside of the region borders, and which will contribute both to stabilisation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to the process of reconciliation in the region. One of the topics of the talks was also the current political and safety situation in the region of South East Europe.

High Representative Inzko remarked on excellent organisation of the Croatia Summit 2010 and very constructive talks with all participants.

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