Co-Prince Sarkozy received the credentials of forty-two ambassadors, who are accredited to the Principality of Andorra mostly form Madrid and Paris, in a collective ceremony. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Principality of Andorra Xavier Espot Miró, personal representative of the French Co-Prince Christian Frémont, and the diplomatic adviser of the Co-Prince Jean-David Levitte were also present at the ceremony.

After the ceremony in the Élysée Palace, Ambassador Pelicarić had a working lunch with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Principality of Andorra Xavier Espot Miró and Deputy Minister Eva Descarrega. The talks showed closeness and permanent development of bilateral relations between Croatia and Andorra, and collocutors also discussed the forthcoming official visit of Minister Espot Miró to Croatia.

After presenting credentials to the Episcopal Co-Prince Joan Enric Vives i Sicilia, the bishop of Seu d’Urgell, in Spain on 29 September 2009 – by today’s presenting of credentials to the French Co-Prince Sarkozy Ambassador Pelicarić has totally and formally assumed the duty. The Principality of Andorra has a unique system of government. It was established in 1278 as a medieval feudal state with shared sovereignty – it vas a vassal to the Spanish bishop of Urgell and French count of the city of Foix. According to the Constitution from 1993, Andorra is a „ parliamentary Coprincipat in which the sovereignty is vested in the Andorran people”, while the Head of State is defined as „ the two Co-Princes, jointly and indivisibly, the bishop of d'Urgell (Episcopalian co– prince) and the President of the French Republic (French co– prince). Because of this particular international and legal situation, the ambassadors accredited to the Principality of Andorra have to present credentials two times, to both co-princes, in respective ceremonies and states, which is the only such case in the world.

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