Ministers Jandroković and Liberman on this occasion signed the Contract between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the State of Israel on amendments to the Contract on Trade and Economic Cooperation and the Contract between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the State of Israel on Mutual Assistance in Customs Matters.

The meeting was marked by firm confidence that an exceptionally good political dialogue will be continued and that bilateral, multilateral and economic relations between Croatia and Israel will be developed and further improved. Furthermore, the strengthened co–operation between the two Ministries of Foreign Affairs was stressed, especially after the last official visit of minister Liberman to Croatia in September 2009. The relations between the two countries are assessed as very good and in constant improvement, especially since 2005 when Israel opened an Embassy in the Republic of Croatia, which enabled an intensive co–operation and development of relations of interest to both countries.

Regarding economic co–operation and Israeli investments in Croatia, the existing potentials are especially strong in tourism, energetics and agriculture sectors.

Minister Jandroković briefed Minister Liberman on the current state of Croatian accession negotiations to the European Union, and said that Croatia is working hard on the process of reforms and fulfilling the criteria so that the accession negotiations could be finalised by the end of this year. Regarding the situation in south–eastern Europe, he repeated Croatia’s attitude that only the Euro-Atlantic perspective of all the countries in the region guarantees stability and peace.

Ministers agreed that the Republic of Croatia and the State of Israel share a common dedication to the priorities of global peace and security. As a non–permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, Croatia has had a chance to deal in issues relating the Near East, and is included in United Nations peace operations in the Golan Heights and Lebanon. Referring to the Israeli – Palestinian peace process, Minister Jandroković said the Republic of Croatia supports all efforts aimed at restoring mutual dialogue and continuing the peace negotiations.

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