The Catalogue was first presented at the Business forum held before the opening of the annual EBRD Assembly in Zagreb.

State Secretary for Political Affairs Davor Božinović addressed the participants of the forum and stressed that this Catalogue is thus far the most serious, comprehensive and timely outline of potential investment projects in the Republic of Croatia, which will be available to foreign investors shortly through diplomatic and consular missions of the Republic of Croatia. He also mentioned that the time of publishing the Catalogue turned out to be the same period when the biggest European economic–financial assembly took place in Croatia, which is a great opportunity for promoting Croatian investment projects. He also stressed that quality foreign investments may facilitate Croatia’s way out of economic crisis.

„The Investment Book“ was introduced by the Head of the Trade and Investment Promotion Agency Sani Ljubunčić.

State Secretary for European Integration Andrej Plenković was also at the presentation, as well as Dražen Kalođera from the Vern University, economic analyst and the first Minister of Economy of the Republic of Croatia.

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