Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to the Federal Republic of Brazil Rade Marelić presented President of the Republic of Columbia Alvaro Uribe with credentials, assuming the duty of the first accredited Croatian ambassador to Columbia

During the talks with Columbian President Uribe, both collocutors expressed the wish for more intensive development of bilateral relations

During the talks with Columbian President Uribe, both collocutors expressed the wish for more intensive development of bilateral relations. President Uribe said that he saw the Republic of Croatia as a future member of the European Union, and he welcomed accreditation of the first Croatian Ambassador to the Republic of Columbia. He pointed out that this marked a new, more amicable relationship between the two states that should result in the strengthening of economic and cultural cooperation.

Ambassador Marelić informed President Uribe that there were around four thousand Croatian emigrants and their descendants living in Columbia, and he expressed his belief that they could contribute to improving the cooperation between the two countries.

Prior to this, Ambassador Marelić met with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Columbia Jaime Bermudez Marizalde, whom he presented with the copies of credentials. The Ambassador also informed him about Croatia’s negotiation process for full membership of the European Union after the Minister inquired about it.

In addition, Ambassador Marelić held a meeting with Head of the Directorate for Europe at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Columbia Victoria Senior. He informed his collocutor about the current political situation in the Republic of Croatia, determinants and achievements in the area of foreign policy, historical and cultural heritage, and about the situation in the region. Director Senior emphasised her interest in the development of South East European region and she expressed her wish that Croatia would shortly become a member of the UE.

During his visit to the Republic of Columbia, Ambassador Marelić also met with the representatives of the Croatian emigration community.

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