Under the auspices of Consul General of the Republic of Croatia and doyen of the biggest consular corps in Europe Žarko Plevnik, the exhibition of photographs of members of the Photo Club Zagreb was opened in Hamburg

The exhibition of one of the oldest photo clubs in Europe was organised as part of the cultural event entitled “11th Altonale 2009”, on the occasion of the forthcoming Statehood Day of the Republic of Croatia

This exhibition marked the beginning of cooperation of the Arab Union of Photographers EU and Croatian photo amateurs, entitled “Photo Art Between the Mediterranean and the South European Peninsula”.

At the opening of the exhibition, Croatian Consul General Žarko Plevnik pointed out the significance of cooperation among photography enthusiasts coming from different parts of the world, cultures and religions, noting that photography had a specific way of bringing closer not only a part of the culture, but also the outlook on the world today. President of the Council of Altona, a district of Hamburg, and Chairman or the Arab Union of Photographers EU Fahti Abu Toboul addressed the participants.

The exhibition in Hamburg will be opened until the end of this month when, following the wishes of the organisers, it should be transferred and put up Jordan. During the autumn, Arab photographers should exhibit in Croatia.

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