105 Croatians repatriated from North Macedonia

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, in cooperation with the Croatian Embassy in Skopje, has organised the fifth repatriation of Croatian nationals from North Macedonia...

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, in cooperation with the Croatian Embassy in Skopje, has organised the fifth repatriation of Croatian nationals from North Macedonia. On Thursday, a convoy of 36 vehicles with 105 Croatian nationals arrived in Croatia.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the Croatian Embassy in Skopje has organised the repatriation of a total of 238 Croatian nationals who wanted to return to Croatia.

Since the Skopje Airport is closed, the Croatian citizens were repatriated by road via Serbia, with the assistance from the Croatian Embassy in Belgrade. The repatriation was made more difficult by the fact that the Serbian borders are closed, which necessitated various transit permits.

The Ministry would like to thank the North Macedonian authorities for assisting in the return of Croatian nationals and will continue with the repatriations through its diplomatic and consular network.

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