10 years of participation in civilian components of international missions and operations

Did you know that Croatia has been participating for a decade in civilian components of 11 international missions and operations with 168 representatives

Did you know that Croatia has been participating for a decade in civilian components of 11 international missions and operations with 168 representatives?

  • four EU missions: EUPOL in Afghanistan, EU-NAVFOR-ATALANTA at the Horn of Africa, EULEX in Kosovo and EUMM in Georgia
  • two NATO missions: KFOR in Kosovo and Resolute Support in Afghanistan
  • four UN missions: UNMOGIP in India and Pakistan, MINUSTAH in the Haiti, UNIFIL in Lebanon and MINURSO in Western Sahara
  • OSCE: special OSCE monitoring missions in Ukraine

Of the overall number of participants, 147 are from the Ministry of Defence, 19 from the Ministry of the Interior and two from the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

On Wednesday 11 February, beginning at 12 hours in the Josip Šokčević Hall of the Croatian Parliament, the anniversary will be marked with a photo exhibition and a round table chaired by First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign and European Affairs Minister Vesna Pusić. Also attending will be Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Ranko Ostojić and the U.S. Ambassador to Croatia Kenneth H. Merten.


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