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Тестване за коронавирус на територията на град Загреб 22.04.2021. | Press releases
Coronavirus control strengthening measures for Croatian and foreign nationals entering the Republic of Croatia21.03.2020. | Press releases
Н. Пр. г-жа Ясна Огняновац изнесе лекция в Американския университет в Благоевград 12.02.2020. | Press releases
За трети пореден път Посолството на Република Хърватия в Република България участва в инициативата „Посланик за един ден” 10.02.2020. | Press releases
China travel advice03.02.2020. | Press releases
Presentation of Priorities of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the Bulgarian Parliament15.01.2020. | Press releases
Presentation of the Priorities of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in Sofia14.01.2020. | Press releases
Ambassador Ognjanovac met with Governor of the Plovdiv and Mayor of Plovdiv13.01.2020. | Press releases
Open Doors Day for Croatian Diaspora and Croatian Minority Communities Abroad01.06.2018. | Press releases
The new promotional video by the Croatian National Tourist Board!20.11.2017. | Press releases