Ms Martina Težak Budišic, Second Secretary at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Croatia to the United Nations has been elected as the Vice-Chair of the 45. Commission on Population and Development (CPD).
The candidature of Ms Martina Težak Budišic was endorsed on 31 March 2011 by the East European Group in the UN, and has thus Ms Težak Budišic, the Second Secretary at the Permanent Mission of Croatia to the UN, been elected as the Vice-Chair of the 45. Commission on Population and Development (CPD).
The CPD is one of the first and oldest commissions of UN. Its main goals are the implementation of principles set by the International Conference on Population and Development - ICPD (Cairo, September 1994), i.e. the right to education, reducing infant, child and maternal mortality, facilitating the access to health services of sexual and reproductive health as well as family planning.
Within the main goals of ICPD, each year the Commission on Population and Development chooses one topic of discussion which, on the 45th Session of CPD, will be the Adolescents and Youth. More information on the work of the Commission is available at:
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