Statement delivered by Ambassador Ranko Vilovic, Chairman of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001) concerning counter-terrorism to the Security Council.
Mr. President,
In my capacity as Chairman of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001), I have the honour to brief the Council on the work of the Committee since the previous briefing, provided on 26 May 2009.
Mr. President,
During the past six months, the Committee has pursued its activities in accordance with its programme of work. Last June, the Committee adopted and submitted to the Council an interim review of the Counter Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), in which it assessed the assistance received from CTED in its efforts to promote and monitor the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001), with special emphasis on the areas identified in resolution 1805 (2008). The Committee also included recommendations on the future work of CTED.
Regarding the fundamental part of the Committee's mandate, I am pleased to report to the Council and to the wider membership that the Committee has finalized the analysis and adoption of the preliminary implementation assessments (PIAs) of all United Nations Member States except one, whose PIA should be adopted in the near future. This stocktaking exercise is a multi-year process that has required the continuous engagement of the Committee, in its several compositions, and the continuous expert support of CTED. I should like to commend all those involved in this effort. The cooperation of Member States has also been instrumental, and I call on them to remain committed to the dialogue with the Committee and CTED in this ongoing exercise.
In this context, let me remind you that stocktaking is carried out in stages, both at the level of three subcommittees - chaired by France, the Russian Federation and Viet Nam, respectively - and at the level of the Committee as a whole. The Committee deliberates upon the recommendations prepared by CTED with respect to every Member State. The Committee may then request additional information on identified shortfalls in a particular Member State's implementation of resolution 1373 (2001) or invite the Permanent Representative to a meeting of the relevant subcommittee, at which the Member State may be reminded of its obligation to implement the resolution. Alternatively, the relevant subcommittee may ask why a particular Member State has been unable to respond to the Committee's communications, or encourage the Permanent Representative to explore avenues for CTED to acquire new updates or additional information. The Committee has already finalized 46 files within the framework of the current stocktaking exercise. More will be completed this year, and the current exercise will be completed in 2010. In this regard, I wish to stress that the Committee and CTED stand ready to assist Member States, wherever possible, in the preparation and submission of their responses and further information on their efforts to implement the resolution.
CTED has also prepared and submitted to the Committee an updated version of its annual “Survey on the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001) by Member States”. This global survey is an assessment of the implementation of the resolution by Member States, broken down by region and sub-region. It also draws conclusions about progress made in this regard, and about any possible gaps in implementation in key areas, notably counter-terrorism legislation, counter-financing of terrorism, law enforcement, border control, international cooperation and human rights. The global survey also contains priority recommendations, with respect to each region, for future action by the Committee. It is currently before the Committee, and should be submitted to the Council before the end of 2009.
Mr. President,
The Committee has continued to organize and conduct an intensive schedule of visits to Member States, with their consent. These country visits are a fundamental component of the Committee's efforts to monitor and promote implementation of resolution 1373 (2001). In accordance with the more flexible approach introduced in accordance with its revised organizational plan, CTED, acting on the Committee's behalf, conducts not only comprehensive visits aimed at analysing all aspects of a Member State's implementation efforts, but also shorter, more targeted visits that focus on one or two specific aspects of the resolution. The revised plan also calls upon CTED to conduct regional visits and missions aimed at analysing examples of good practice or addressing regional vulnerabilities.
Pursuant to this more flexible approach, the rate of visits has increased significantly, thereby enabling the Committee to engage more deeply with a wider range of States from all regions of the world. Over the past six months, for example, the Committee has concluded successful full-fledged or focused on-site visits to Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Ghana, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, New Zealand, Oman and Uzbekistan.
In September the Committee initiated, on the basis of a CTED proposal, a series of thematic discussions of all major areas of implementation of resolution 1373 (2001). Background documentation for those discussions was prepared by CTED. The Committee has already held in-depth discussions on technical assistance and on international legal cooperation. Before the end of 2009, the Committee will discuss issues related to border security, arms trafficking, law enforcement, and best practices in the implementation of resolution 1624 (2005).
Mr. President,
The Committee and CTED have also worked to enhance their ongoing dialogue with Member States, donors and beneficiaries on the facilitation of technical assistance. In this context, the Committee continues to look for opportunities to match current and potential donors with recipients in order to enhance the dialogue between the donor community and recipient States and to further the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001). The Committee has, in particular, enhanced its cooperation with the Counter-Terrorism Action Group of the Group of Eight (CTAG) by meeting with local CTAG representatives within the framework of most visits and by promoting a broader overall dialogue between CTED and CTAG.
The Committee also maintains, on its website, a technical assistance matrix and a directory of assistance programmes.
Corresponding to the Committee's request that CTED work to strengthen regional cooperation on counter-terrorism in South Asia, the Executive Directorate recently held two workshops in this region. Firstly, acting jointly with the World Bank, it held a workshop for parliamentarians in Pakistan on the importance of legislation on combating the financing of terrorism (CFT). Secondly, acting together with donors and other relevant partner organizations, it facilitated a regional workshop for police and prosecutors on cross-border cooperation, held in Bangladesh.
In its dialogue with Member States, the Committee has continued to remind them that any measures taken to combat terrorism must comply with all their obligations under international law, in particular international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law. In this regard, CTED ensures that there are relevant human rights references in all PIAs, that relevant issues are raised in the course of the country visits, and that outreach activities are undertaken with potential donors - including donors already engaged in capacity-building activities on a broader basis - to help them focus their work on enhancing institution-building and strengthening rule of law.
The Committee has also continued to include in its dialogue with Member States discussion of their efforts to implement resolution 1624 (2005). Thus far, a total of 104 States have submitted reports to the Committee on their implementation of the resolution. This represents an increase since our previous report to the Security Council. The Committee will continue to encourage those States that have not yet done so to submit the relevant information to the Committee as soon as possible. The Committee also continues to encourage Member States to become parties to and implement the 16 international counter-terrorism instruments.
With respect to the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, the Committee and CTED continue to participate actively in, and support all relevant activities of, the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF). CTED co-chairs the Working Group on Integrated Assistance for Countering Terrorism (I-ACT) and also participates in the work of two other CTITF Working Groups, which deal with countering-financing of terrorism and with human rights and counter-terrorism. In view of the close coordination between the staffs of CTITF and CTED, the Committee supports the co-location the CTITF Secretariat and CTED on a permanent basis. This would promote closer collaboration between the two bodies within the framework of their respective mandates, save resources, and ensure greater efficiency and effectiveness in their common work.
The Committee and CTED continue to engage actively with the other Security Council subsidiary bodies working on counter-terrorism issues, namely, the 1267 Committee and its Monitoring Team, as well as the 1540 Committee and its Group of Experts. As a result of two recent workshops for non- or late-reporting States organized by UNODC's Terrorism Prevention Branch, four States were able to provide updates to the Committee on their implementation efforts, and two visited States were better prepared to receive the Committee's on-site visits. CTED has also continued to invite experts of the other two bodies, as well as other relevant UN entities, international and regional organizations, to join its visits to Member States. This practice continues to be highly valuable with respect to overall cooperation between the Committee and other counter-terrorism bodies, whether inside or outside the United Nations system.
The Committee, through CTED, has also been intensifying its work with international, regional and sub-regional organizations in an effort to broaden and deepen its constructive dialogue with those organizations and to enhance cooperation, information-sharing and exchanges of expertise. In the reporting period, the Committee has heard briefings by several relevant organizations and United Nations bodies, including the Director-General of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, the President of the Financial Action Task Force and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Mr. President,
Terrorism remains one of the major threats to international peace and security, and the Committee is a crucial instrument of the international community in its efforts to address this scourge. The work of the Committee greatly benefits from the constructive engagement of its members. Support from, and cooperation with Member States remain a vital part of the Committee's work, with respect in particular to the stocktaking exercise, and notably the identification of the challenges faced by Member States in combating terrorism and of areas in which the Committee can help strengthen their capacities. I should therefore like to thank all Member States for their willingness to engage in constructive dialogue and for their essential contributions, which enable the Committee to support the Security Council in its efforts to respond to the threat of terrorism.
Finally, I should like to express the Committee's gratitude to Mr. Mike Smith, Executive Director of CTED, and his team, for their invaluable assistance. I also greatly appreciate the continuous support provided by the Secretariat.
Thank you.
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