Consular Day in Montreal April 3th 2008

NOTICE This is to inform all Croatian citizens that the next consular day will be held in Montreal, exceptionally, on Thursday, April 3rd 2008 between 12 and 5 p.m. at 750, boulevard Marcel-Laurin, St. Laurent, office 106.

NOTICE This is to inform all Croatian citizens that the next consular day will be held in Montreal, exceptionally, on Thursday, April 3rd 2008 between 12 and 5 p.m. at 750, boulevard Marcel-Laurin, St. Laurent, office 106. AVIS Chers citoyens croates, veuillez noter que la prochaine journée consulaire a Montréal aura lieu, exceptionnellement, jeudi, le 3 avril 2008, de 12h00 a 17h00, au 750, boulevard Marcel-Laurin, St-Laurent, bureau 106.

Press releases