Concerts by Croatian soprano singer Marija Vidović and Japanese pianist Yoko Nishii in Tokyo, Tokamachi and Osaka

Three concerts by Croatian soprano singer Marija Vidović and Japanese pianist Yoko Nishii were held in Tokyo, Tokamachi and Osaka respectively on the occasion of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Croatia and Japan, the 10th anniversary of Croatian membership in the EU, as well as the postponed celebration of the National Day. Both musicians are well-known for performing the works of Croatian composer Dora Pejačević, whose 100th anniversary of death is also celebrated this year. The audience responded enthusiastically to the Croatian-Japanese musical duo during all three concerts. Mr. Zlatko Mateša, president of the Croatian Olympic Committee and former prime minister, was present at all three concerts.
The concert in Tokyo was held on July 6, 2023 at Europa House in front of an audience of about 200 distinguished guests and members of the Croatian community. Commemorative speeches were given by Minister Taro Kono, State Minister Keiji Yamada, Ambassador Jean-Eric Paquet, Head of the EU Delegation to Japan and Ambassador Dražen Hrastić.
The concert in Tokamachi, a city that has nurtured special relations with Croatia since 2002, was held on July 9, 2023 in the Danjuro Hall, one of the most sophisticated new concert halls in Japan, attended by approximately 500 distinguished guests, including representatives of the Japanese parliament and classical music lovers. Celebratory speeches were given by Mayor Yoshifumi Sekiguchi and Ambassador Hrastić.
The concert in Osaka was held, in addition to all the anniversaries mentioned, on the occasion of the opening of the Consulate of the Republic of Croatia in Osaka headed by the Honorary Consul Mr. Shigeki Ebi. The concert was held on July 11, 2023 in the Diamond Hall of the prestigious Rihga Royal Hotel and entertained around 100 exhilarated guests from the ranks of local officials, businessmen, members of artistic circles and the small Croatian community in Osaka. Commemorative speeches were given by Honorary Consul Shigeki Ebi, Ambassador Tsutomu Himeno, representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in the Kansai region and Ambassador Hrastić.
