Conference on How to do the business in ME

The Conference on the business opportunities at the Middle East markets organized by the Trade and Investment Promotion Agency of the Republic of Croatia, was held on November 13, 2008.

The Conference on the business opportunities at the Middle East markets organized by the Trade and Investment Promotion Agency of the Republic of Croatia, was held on November 13, 2008. H.E. Mr. Dražen Margeta, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to the Middle Eastern countries, and representatives of the Croatian companies who are already active on these markets, informed the 80 participants of the conference, mainly from the business community, about the ways to do business on the Middle Eastern markets. Ambassador Margeta introduced the basic characteristics of the Middle Eastern markets, with the emphasis on the Gulf countries and the potential sectors of business cooperation as tourism, food processing, construction, electro industry and infrastructural projects. Croatian businessmen already active on the Middle Eastern markets introduced their experience and they emphasized the high quality product as a must to start up the business, as well as meeting the dead lines and given promises. Potential Croatian exporters were offered assistance in order to succeed on these markets.

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