Concert Aestas Musica at St George''s Church

The international ensemble of baroque music Aestas Musica held concert at St. George's Church in London, Friday, 20th January 2006 The International Summer School of Baroque Music and Dance and the Croatian Embassy in London organised a concert of baroque music by various composers, including a sonata written by the Istrian baroque composer Gabriel Usper. As many as twenty seven artists from eight countries performed at the concert, all of them teachers and students at the International Summer School of Baroque Music and Dance Aestas Musica.

The international ensemble of baroque music Aestas Musica held concert at St. George's Church in London, Friday, 20th January 2006 The International Summer School of Baroque Music and Dance and the Croatian Embassy in London organised a concert of baroque music by various composers, including a sonata written by the Istrian baroque composer Gabriel Usper. As many as twenty seven artists from eight countries performed at the concert, all of them teachers and students at the International Summer School of Baroque Music and Dance Aestas Musica. Among them were world famous British artists - violinist Catherine Mackintosh, professor at several renowned British music academies and Laurence Cummings, also professor at various academies, conductor at the English National Opera, English Touring Opera, at Glyndebourne opera festival, director of the London Handel Orchestra and Festival and also a virtuoso on the harpsichord. Among the artists was the Croatian opera singer Renata Pokupic and her younger colleagues Momir Pjevac and Kora Pavelic. The concert was an excellent opportunity for the International Summer School Aestas Musica to celebrate ten years of the continuous promotion of baroque music among the young people from all over the world. The concert was held in the elegant surroundings of St. George's Church in the centre of London, where G.F. Handel used to come and play long time ago and whose museum is situated close by.

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