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Welcome Croatia FestivalAt The National Gallery London Dr Caroline Campbell, curator of the department of Italian painting to the year 1500 held a series of short lectures, part of Welcome Croatia Festival, about famous work of Andrija Medulic (Andrea Meldolla Schiavone), (1510/15 - Zadar, 1563), renaissance painter, graphic artist and one of the most prominent representatives of Mannerism, „Jupiter seducing Callisto.“21.05.2013. | Press releases
CFAB (Children and Families Across Borders) Spring FairCFAB (Children and Families Across Borders) Spring Fair was held at Kensington Town Hall. Croatian Embassy offered the best prize: trip to Dubrovnik donated by Croatian Tourist Board and Croatian Airlines and had a great stand donated by Podravka.15.05.2013. | Press releases
20th Annual Assembly of ALMAE MATRIS ALUMNI CROATICAE20th Annual Assembly of ALMAE MATRIS ALUMNI CROATICAE (AMAC UK) at St Anne's College, Woodstock Road ,Oxford 20 years of AMAC-UK activities comprised provision of numerous support studentships for undergraduates studying in Croatia and annual awards for young scientists and researchers, for the best research publication appearing in international journals and projects conducted in Croatia, with links to the UK. 12.05.2013. | Press releases
Symposium on the discoveries of the British archaeologistSymposium on the discoveries of the British archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans (1851–1941) made in Dalmatia between 1871 - 1882 was held at Ashmolean Museum in Oxford.10.05.2013. | Press releases
Mozartine girls’ choirMozartine girls' choir from Zagreb held two highly-attended concerts in London at Sacred Heart Church and Clapham Common.22.04.2013. | Press releases