Exhibition by two Croatian artists Zdravko Tišljar and Josip Lizatovic was opened at the Misery Hill Art Gallery in Dublin on 26 April 2006.
Exhibition by two Croatian artists Zdravko Tišljar and Josip Lizatovic was opened at the Misery Hill Art Gallery in Dublin on 26 April 2006. The exhibition was organised by the Irish-Croatian Business Association, Embassy of Croatia, Mr Marin Fulgosi and the Misery Hill Art Gallery.
The opening was attendned by representatives of the diplomatic corps, cultural and political milieu and the Croatian community in Ireland and a musical performance featuring baroque music by young Croatian musicians Marta Babic (mezzosoprano) and Attila Mesaric (spinet) made the event an even bigger delight.
The exhibition will be opened until 12 May 2006 (Mon-Fri 10 am – 5 pm, Phone Misery Hill Gallery at 679 3993).
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