- Published: 03.02.2020.
China travel advice

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs advises against travelling to the Hubei region. Other regions should be avoided unless necessary.
Short explanation:
Coronavirus ground zero. On 31 December 2019, Chinese authorities published news about the rising number of pneumonia cases in the city of Wuhan, Hubei region, caused by the novel coronavirus. Those affected showed symptoms of fever and breathing difficulties, and have been diagnosed with viral pneumonia. New cases have sprung up in other parts of China, as well as in the rest of the world, mostly in persons who had recently visited or been in contact with someone who had visited Wuhan. The possibility of transmitting the infection from person to person has been confirmed.
Wuhan and the surrounding area. The city of Wuhan and most of the Hubei region is in a quarantine and transport isolation of sorts, and cannot be left without special permits followed by a two-week quarantine at the destination. We therefore advise against travelling to Hubei and Wuhan, as well as cancelling all travels that are not necessary.
Preventive measures. Throughout China, preventive measures have been put in place to prevent further spreading of the virus (transport restrictions, cancelled events, closed tourist attractions etc.)
In airports and at rail and subway stations body temperature control has been instated. Persons with high body temperature are immediately taken away for further examination.
Intercity bus transport has been cancelled for a large number of cities, including Beijing.
Several global airlines have temporarily cancelled flights to China. For more detailed information, contact the airline you are flying with.
Get informed before travelling. Before making a final decision on travelling to China, as well as during your stay there, we advise you to follow the latest developments and observe recommendations made by Croatia, China and the World Health Organization.
Daily Reports. The Ministry of Health and the Croatian Institute of Public Health are releasing new information about the coronavirus daily at 15 hours: https://www.hzjz.hr/medunarodna-istrazivanja/koronavirus-najnoviji-podatci/
Recommendations for travellers by the Croatian Institute of Public Health
Recommendations for travellers in Chinese