Embassies of the Republic of Croatia in the world


Republic of Azerbaijan

Establishment of diplomatic relations: 26.01.1995.

Embassy of the Republic of Croatia to the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku
(Covers Georgia)

  • City: Baku
  • MSc Branko Zebić, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
  • Phone: +994 12 404 0709, +994 12 404 0710 (Consular Department);
  • Fax: +994 12 404 07 11
  • Address:

    Nizami street 90A, Landmark II, 3rd floor
    AZ1010, Baku

  • Email: croemb.baku@mvep.hr
  • Web page: https://mvep.gov.hr/az/en
  • Additional text:
    Working hours of the Embassy:
    Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 17:00

    Working hours of the consular section of the Embassy (for visitors):
    Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 15:00

    Diplomatic personnel:
    Alan Vajda,
    First Secretary

    Hotline for Croatian nationals (for emergencies outside office hours): +994 51 252 89 89

On this page you may find basic information concerning diplomatic-consular missions located in the World. The Missions are listed by country name in alphabetical order.