
For an overview of the visa system and basic information on the visa system valid between the Republic of Croatia and other countries, please refer to the

The visa regime of the Republic of Croatia is governed by the following regulations:
·         Aliens Act (Official Gazette No. 133/20114/22 and 151/22)
·         Regulation on the Visa Regime (Official Gazette No. 92/21)
·         Ordinance on Visas (Official Gazette No. 109/21)
·         REGULATION (EC) No 810/2009 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 13 July 2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas
·         Regulation on the Croatian Visa Information System
·         Regulation (EU) 2018/1806 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 November 2018 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement 
·         Regulation (EC) No 767/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008 concerning the Visa Information System (VIS) and the exchange of data between Member States on short-stay visas (VIS Regulation)
·         Directive 2004/38/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States
o    Armenia
o    Azerbaijan
o    Belarus
o    Georgia
o    Cape Verde
o    Moldova
o    Russian Federation
o    Serbia
o    Ukraine
The period of validity of these documents recognised as equivalent to a Croatian visa must cover the duration of transit or stay in the territory of Croatia.
Notification for holders of the "Residence card of a family member of a Union citizen": A family member of a national of an EU member state or the European Economic Area can travel to Croatia without a visa if he/she has a valid passport and a valid card called "Residence card of a family member of a Union citizen" and if he/she is travelling accompanied or joining a family member who is an EU or EEA national. If a family member of an EU or EEA national does not have such a card, he or she needs a Croatian visa, which will be issued in an urgent procedure without charging a fee.
Croatian embassies/consulates issue Schengen visas (A and C)  and national visas (D).
Type A visa
An airport-transit visa (A) is an authorisation for transit through the international transit areas of airports of the Member States.
Visa A is required for nationals of third countries listed in Annex IV. of the Visa Code 
Type C visa
A short-stay visa (C) is an authorisation for an intended stay on the territory of the Member States not exceeding 90 days in any 180-day period. It is issued for one, two or more entries for transit, tourist, business, private or other purposes.

Application for a Schengen visa (Type A and C)
The applicant fills out the prescribed form in Latin script and large printed letters and signs it after completion.
A third-country national who is registered in the travel document of a third-country national applying for a visa shall also apply for a visa on the prescribed form.
An application for a third-country minor or a third-country national deprived of legal capacity shall be submitted and signed by his legal representative.
The Schengen visa application form can be opened in Portable Document Format (PDF) format and is available in different languages for manual completion and can also be completed in electronic form via the link
·         HR Obrazac zahtjeva za schengensku vizu_albanski
·         HR Obrazac zahtjeva za schengensku vizu_arapski
·         HR Obrazac zahtjeva za schengensku vizu_engleski
·         HR Obrazac zahtjeva za schengensku vizu_francuski
·         HR Obrazac zahtjeva za schengensku vizu_hrvatski
·         HR Obrazac zahtjeva za schengensku vizu_kineski
·         HR Obrazac zahtjeva za schengensku vizu_njemački
·         HR Obrazac zahtjeva za schengensku vizu_portugalski
·         HR Obrazac zahtjeva za schengensku vizu_ruski
·         HR Obrazac zahtjeva za schengensku vizu_spanjolski
·         HR Obrazac zahtjeva za schengensku vizu_turski
The validity period depends on the circumstances of the foreigner's travel to Croatia and cannot exceed five years. A foreigner cannot work on the territory of Croatia on the basis of a visa.
The allowed number of days of stay in the Schegen area can be calculated by means of an online calculator.
Visa application is submitted at the embassy/consulate of the Schengen area Member State that is the main destination of the travel.

If the main destination of the travel is Croatia, the visa application is submitted at the competent VFS Global Visa Application Center.

Visa application shall be submitted in person.
Visa applications for minors or persons deprived of their business capacity shall be submitted by their legal representative.
Type C Visa application shall be submitted no more than six months before the start of the intended trip, and, as a rule, no later than 15 calendar days before the start of the intended trip.
Seafarers performing their duties may apply for a visa no earlier than nine months before the start of the intended trip.
When submitting a visa application, it is necessary to submit a completed and signed visa application form, prescribed documentation and provide fingerprints.

Visa application form (C)

Basic documentation with the C visa application
·         Visa application form, completed and signed by the applicant
·         A passport that meets the following conditions:
- it must contain at least two empty pages for the visa
- it must be issued in the previous 10 year
- the validity period of the travel document must be at least three months longer than the date you intend to leave the Schengen area, or, in the case of multiple trips, from the date you intend to leave it on the occasion of the last trip

List of travel documents recognized by Croatia as valid for crossing the state border and affixing a visa
·         A recent identity photograph in accordance with ICAO standards 
·         Your fingerprints are taken when submitting the application. Certain categories of persons are exempt from providing fingerprints.
·         Travel medical insurance covering emergency medical assistance, hospitalisation and repatriation (including in case of death). The insurance must be valid for the entire Schengen area and cover the entire duration of the planned stay. The minimum amount is 30,000 euros.
·         Evidence of paid visa fee (to be paid through the VFS Global Center).
·         If the application is submitted at the VFS Global Visa Application Center, the so-called service fee is also paid.
·         Documentation related to the purpose of stay, means of support, means of travel and the intention to return to the home country or the possibility of entering a third country.
The complete list of documents can be consulted below.

During the processing of the application, the applicant may be asked to provide additional information or documents or may be invited for an interview.
If the application is lodged in a third country for which there is a harmonized List of supporting documents to be submitted by applicants for C visas, that List should be consulted in order to avoid any missing document when filing the application.
Refer to the harmonized List of supporting documents to be submitted by applicants for C visas lodging in certain third countries or territories:
Afghanistan Algeria Angola
Argentina Armenia Australia
Azerbaijan Bangladesh Belarus
Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil
Cameroon Canada Cape Verde
Chile China China - Hong Kong
China - Macao Costa Rica Cuba
Ecuador Egypt Ethiopia
Georgia Ghana India
Indonesia Iran Iraq
Ireland Israel Jordan
Kazakhstan Kenya Kosovo
Mexico Moldova Morocco
Mozambique Nicaragua Nigeria
Pakistan Palestine Phillippines
Russia Saudi Arabia Senegal
Singapore South Africa South Korea
Sri Lanka Tanzania Thailand
Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Türkiye
Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom
USA Uzbekistan Vietnam
Type D visa
A long-stay visa (D) is an authorization for entry if the third-country national has been granted a temporary stay, or a stay and work permit, and if he/she requires a short-stay visa to enter Croatia.

It is issued for one or multiple entries, with a validity period of up to six months and with an approved duration of stay of up to 30 days.

The application for a D visa is submitted before entering Croatia, at the competent VFS Global Visa Application Center.

If there is no Croatian embassy/consulate in a country, nor a visa center, the visa application may be submitted at the nearest Croatian embassy/consulate in another country.

Visa application shall be submitted in person.

Visa applications for minors or persons deprived of their business capacity shall be submitted by their legal representative.

The application for a D visa shall be submitted no earlier than two months before, and no later than two months after the beginning of validity of the temporary stay or the stay and work permit in Croatia.

A third-country national who has been issued a D visa must, within 30 days from the beginning of validity of the visa, contact the competent police department or police station in order to register their place of residence and create a biometric residence permit.

When submitting a visa application, it is necessary to submit a completed and signed visa application form, prescribed documentation and provide fingerprints.
Visa application form (D)

Enclosed documents for a D visa application:
·         Visa application form, completed and signed by the applicant.
·         A passport that meets the following conditions:
- it must contain at least two empty pages for the visa
- it must be issued in the previous 10 years
- the validity period of the travel document must be at least three months longer than the period of validity of the temporary stay or stay and work permit

List of travel documents recognized by Croatia as valid for crossing the state border and affixing a visa  
·         A recent identity photograph in accordance with ICAO standards 
·         Your fingerprints are taken when submitting the application. Certain categories of persons are exempt from providing fingerprints.
·         Travel medical insurance for a period of stay of 30 days in Croatia, covering emergency medical assistance, hospitalisation and repatriation (including in case of death). The insurance must be valid for the entire Schengen area. The minimum amount is 30,000 euros.
·         Evidence of granted temporary stay or stay and work permit in Croatia.
·         Evidence of means of travel.
·         Evidence of paid visa fee (to be paid through the VFS Global Center).
·         If the application is submitted at the VFS Global Visa Application Center, the so-called service fee is also paid.
Visa application: no earlier than 3 months before the start of the intended travel. A foreign citizen is obliged to obtain a visa before entering Croatia at the competent VFS Global Centre (according to the place of residence). Please note that the Consulate General of the Republic of Croatia in Istanbul covers the consular areas of Edirne, Kırklareli, Tekirdağ, Istanbul, Yalova, Kocaeli, Sakarya, Düzce, Çanakkale, Balıkesir, Antalya, Bursa, Bilecik, Kütahya, Manisa, Izmir, Uşak, Aydın, Denizli, Muğla i Burdur, while the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Ankara is responsible for the territories of Adana, Afyonkarahisar, Ağrı, Aksaray, Amasya, Ankara, Ardahan, Artvin, Bartın, Batman, Bayburt, Bilecik, Bingöl, Bitlis, Bolu, Çankırı, Çorum, Diyarbakır, Elazığ, Erzincan, Erzurum, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Giresun, Gümüşhane, Hakkâri, Hatay, Iğdır, Isparta, Kahramanmaraş, Karabük, Karaman, Kars, Kastamonu, Kayseri, Kilis, Kırıkkale, Kırşehir, Konya, Malatya, Mardin, Mersin, Muş, Nevşehir, Niğde, Ordu, Osmaniye, Rize, Samsun, Şanlıurfa, Siirt, Sinop, Şırnak, Sivas, Tokat, Trabzon, Tunceli, Van, Yozgat and Zonguldak.
Turkish citizens, as well as persons with a residence permit in Türkiye (foreigners temporarily residing in another state should submit a copy of the approved residence in Türkiye), can also apply for a visa at one of VFS global visa centers (Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa, Izmir, Antalya, Gaziantep).

The presence of the applicant: the foreigner personally applies for a visa. Exceptionally, if there are justified reasons for this, the foreigner does not have to submit the request personally, but must personally present himself at the invitation of the embassy / consulate.

Decision on the application: the visa application is decided within 15 days from the date of submission of the application and this period can be extended up to 45 days, if there are justified reasons for this. If the request is submitted less than 15 days before the intended trip, the Embassy/Consulate is not responsible for the duration of the decision-making process.

The responsible Croatian authorities check if the applicant respects the conditions of entry into the Schengen area, and assess the risk of illegal immigration or a risk to the security of the Member States and whether the applicant intends to leave the territory of the Member States before the expiry of the visa applied for.

This examination is based on the documents submitted and the information given by the applicant with the visa application.

It is important to submit a complete file as soon as the visa application is submitted so that the Croatian authorities can make a decision as quickly as possible.

As a general rule, a decision is taken by the embassy/consulate within 15 calendar days of the date of the lodging of an application.

This period may, in individual cases, be extended up to 45 days, if a more detailed examination of the application and/or additional documents are required.


Some Member States of Schengen area require to be consulted on visa applications submitted to other Member States of the Schengen area by the nationals of certain third countries.

The consultation process may take up to seven calendar days. Such consultation is currently required for nationals of the third countries listed in the Annex 16 of Visa Code Handbook.

For information on appeal procedures, please visit the following link.

Visa Application - it is filled in Latin (Roman Alphabet) script, in large printed letters, must be fully fulfilled and signed in hand (IMPORTANT: the application must be signed in two places).
The application form can also be filled out online  at the link
Valid Travel Document (the validity period must be at least 3 months longer than the visa validity period, must be issued in the last 10 years and contain at least 2 blank pages for entering the visa)
Color Photography (35x45 mm)
Proof of paid Visa Fee (to be paid through the VFS Global Center)
Proof of valid Travel Health Insurance - to cover the costs that may arise during the stay in Croatia, due to: emergency medical assistance and / or emergency hospital treatment, or return to the country of residence for health reasons or transport in case of death. The minimum amount insured must be worth EUR 30,000.

For one or two entries, the visa applicant shall enclose a policy of appropriate travel health insurance covering the entire period of stay in Croatia. The applicant for a multiple-entry visa shall enclose an appropriate travel health insurance policy covering the period of the first intended stay in Croatia. Travel health insurance is concluded with the insurance company in the country of residence. If this is not possible, travel health insurance should be applied for in another country. A natural or legal person from Croatia, who invites the applicant, may conclude a travel health insurance contract with an insurance company from Croatia for his or her benefit.
Documentation proving:
the purpose of the stay, secured accommodation, secured means of subsistence during their stay in Croatia, and for return to the country of residence, means of travel and intention to return to the country of residence, or the possibility of entering a third country.

If the consular officer deems it necessary, he/she may also request additional documentation to justify the application.

The purpose of stay and proof of accommodation:
hotel, hostel, camp... - confirmation of hotel or other reservation of accommodation, confirmation of paid tourist arrangement (voucher), organized tourist trip, etc.
private accommodation - reservation of accommodation with a private landlord, with a copy of the decision of the competent office on the approval for the provision of catering services, (decision of the local administration / craftswoman)
use of (own) real estate - proof of possession of real estate (title deed/land registry extract), real estate lease agreement; invitation/statement of the foreign owner
nautical tourism - confirmation of reservation / paid berth in Croatia, excerpt from the boat register, certificate of paid charter
one-day excursion to Croatia (e.g. from Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina) - confirmation by the tourist agency of the paid trip; confirmation and rental of vehicles (Rent a Car), etc.
Attached: Original Letter of Guarantee of the legal entity Jamstveno pismo pravne osobe is delivered to the Embassy / Consulate or is deposited in the MFEA Croatia.
The Letter of Guarantee is filled by a Guarantor - a legal entity from Croatia.
In addition to the Letter of Guarantee, the Guarantor shall enclose proof of liquidity (bon 1 or bon 2 or a certificate from the Commercial Court that liquidation proceedings have not been initiated, etc.).
The Letter of Guarantee must be certified with the official seal and signature of the person authorized to represent.
The Embassy/Consulate retains the original Letter of Guarantee.
The applicant is served with a copy of the Letter of Guarantee in order to be able, at the request of the authority responsible for border control, to present proof of the purpose of residence in Croatia.
PRIVATE VISIT (visit to family, friends)
The original Letter of Guarantee from a natural person  jamstveno pismo fizičke osobe should be delivered to the Embassy or Consulate or is deposited in MFEA Croatia.  The Guarantor is obliged to certify his signature on the letter of guarantee with a Notary Public.
For spouses, children and parents of Croatian citizens: a marriage certificate or birth certificate should be attached
For a minor, the legal representative encloses: a birth certificate, if the parents are legal representatives, or a decision of the competent authority on the appointment of a legal representative. If a minor travels unaccompanied by a legal representative, it is necessary to enclose a certified consent of the legal representative containing personal data about the legal representative, the purpose and period and time of stay in Croatia, the period for which the consent is issued, and the signature of the legal representative.
Storage of the Letter of Guarantee at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs
Legal and natural persons can also store the original of the letter of guarantee at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. In that case, it is necessary to pay the prescribed administrative fee of 18.58 euros, according to Tariff No. 29 of the Regulation on Tariff of Administrative Fees (Official Gazette, No. 156/22):
Broj računa (Account number): IBAN HR1210010051863000160
Model (Model): HR64
Poziv na broj (Reference number): 5002-721-OIB of Guarantor
Opis plaćanja (Description of Payment): POHRANA JAMSTVENOG PISMA ( 29.)
Payment order

With the original of the signed and certified Letter of Guarantee the following must be attached:
·         proof of the Guarantor's liquidity,
·         proof of paid administrative fee,
·         indication in which Croatian Embassy/Consulate the invited person will submit the visa application.
The letter of guarantee can be delivered in person during office hours from Monday to Thursday from 9 to 11 a.m. and from 1 to 3 p.m., and on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., or by mail to the address:

Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs
VI. Directorate-General for Consular Affairs
Department for Visas
10000 ZAGREB
Petretićev trg 2
An alien who comes to Croatia at the invitation of a Croatian state body, for the purpose of participating in an international gathering of public interest or to participate in an event held under the auspices of the Croatian Parliament, the President of the Republic of Croatia or the Government of the Republic of Croatia, encloses an invitation letter from the Croatian state body, i.e. the organizer of the international meeting or event.
In the invitation letter it is necessary to state: information about the foreigner: name and surname, date and place of birth, nationality, travel document number, place of issue and period of validity of the travel document, the purpose of arrival, the period in which the foreigner will reside in Croatia and accommodation data, information on who bears the costs of staying a foreigner in Croatia, name and surname, duty (position, workplace), address and telephone number of the contact person from which relevant notifications about the foreigner can be obtained.
A Letter of Guarantee from the organizer of the cultural event is attached. In the event that the invitee is a Croatian state body or an international gathering of public interest or an event held under the auspices of the Croatian Parliament, the President of the Republic of Croatia or the Government of the Republic of Croatia, an Invitation Letter from the Croatian state body, or the organizer of the international meeting or event, shall be enclosed. 
A written request is attached to the organization of the host sports competition, the competent authorities, national sports federations, the national Olympic Committee. In addition to information on the invited person/s and the purpose and duration of stay, the application should contain either the OIB of the legal person of the caller or the name, surname and function of the person signing the request.
The following shall be enclosed: medical findings (if applicable), an official document of a health institution confirming the admission of a person and health care in that institution, proof of payment of treatment or proof of sufficient funds to pay for treatment. 
Drivers performing international freight and passenger transport services between Turkey and the Member States in vehicles registered in member states or in Russia shall be accompanied by a written request from the national association/trade union indicating the personal data and the purpose, duration and frequency of the journey
A certificate or other document issued by a professional organisation proving that the person concerned is a qualified journalist and a document issued by his/her employer stating that the purpose of the trip is to carry out journalistic work.
a Letter of Guarantee or invitation, hotel reservation or confirmation of reservation of accommodation with a private landlord, proof of rental or ownership of real estate in Croatia, proof of ownership or rental of a boat, yacht, or certificate of paid/booked charter, etc. 
Cash funds, pension statement: proof of scholarship: means of non-cash payment (traveler's cheques, credit cards, etc.), a bank statement for the last 3 months, an appropriate certificate of permanent income of the applicant or the person who is obliged to legally support him, a certified statement by which the third legal or natural sponsor undertakes to assume maintenance costs, with adequate proof of solvency.       
The applicant shall also enclose an appropriate certificate of his social and professional status: a certificate of employment, a certificate of education, an extract from the commercial register for craftsmen, etc. For minors and persons without their own funds, a certified certificate of taking over costs from the parent or person taking over the costs shall be enclosed, with proof of social and professional status and proof of possession of financial resources of the cost-bearer.
booking a return ticket, traffic and driver's license (if travelling by car),
certificate of employment (employment contract), education, proof of ownership of real estate, proof of family ties in Türkiye etc.
VISA FOR TRANSIT PURPOSES It is necessary to provide: Visa application
a valid travel document, color photography (35x45 mm),
proof of means of travel, proof of means of subsistence,
travel health insurance, documentation proving the possibility of entering the country of final destination (e.g. a visa)
It is charged upon visa application, at the time of application. The visa fee shall not be refunded if the visa application is rejected. Fees are due when applying.
Airport-transit (visa A) and short-term visa (visa C) fee 90
Long-term visa (visa D) fee 93
The following are exempt from airport-transit (visa A) and short-term visa (visa C) fees upon application:
  • Family members of a Croatian national (spouse and children),
  • Family members of citizens of EEA Member States and Switzerland,
  • Children up to the age of 12,
  • Holders of diplomatic and service passports travelling in their official capacity
  • Pupils, students, postgraduate students and teachers accompanying them when they come to attend school, study and professional training,
  • Researchers coming to conduct research, as provided for by the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 September 2005 to facilitate the issue by the Member States of uniform short-stay visas for researchers from third countries travelling within the Community for the purpose of carrying out scientific research,
  • Representatives of non-profit organizations up to the age of 25, who are to attend seminars, conferences, sport, cultural or educational events organized by non-profit organizations.
The following are exempt from long-term visa (visa D) fees upon application:
  • children up to the age of 12,
  • family reunification - exempted in the case of family members of a Croatian national (spouse, children)
  • third-country nationals who have been granted the temporary stay for the following purposes:
  • secondary school education
  • university studies
  • research
  • humanitarian grounds.
For storing the original of the Letter of Guarantee of a natural or legal person at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, per item 18,58  
For an appeal against a decision rufusing the application, annulling or revoking an airport-transit (visa A) or short-term visa (visa C) , or for an appeal against rufusing extension and /or duration of the stay of the issued short-term visa (visa C) 42,47
For an appeal against a decision refusing the application, annulling or revoking a long-term visa (visa D) 42,47
For citizens from certain countries, a lower visa fee is possible, in accordance with agreements on facilitated issuance of visas (e.g. Azerbaijan, Russian Federation...).

If the application is submitted through VFS global visa centers, an additional service fee will be charged for each application. For a complete list of service fees at VFS Global visa centers, please visit the page

For a list of required documents accompanying the application in Turkey, please check this link: 150114-commission-implementing-decision.pdf (

Important notes and warnings
·         Prerequisite for visa processing: payment of the fee. Each request shall be processed only upon receipt of the confirmation of payment of the consular fee.
The request may be denied. Only applications containing all the necessary documentation are sent for approval to the competent authorities in Croatia who take the final decision. However, applying for a visa and with all the required documents is not a guarantee that a visa will be issued.
·         A visa is not a guarantee of entry into Croatia. The issued visa is not a guarantee that a foreigner will be granted entry into Croatia. The border police may, whenever crossing the Croatian border, ask the foreigner to present a copy of the letter of guarantee if it is a private or business visit, which is therefore recommended to be carried in hand luggage, together with proof of possession of sufficient funds.
Notice of refusal of visa. The decision refusing the visa and the reasons for such a decision shall be submitted to the applicant on the visa refusal/annulment/revocation form.
Possibility of appeal. An alien may file an appeal against the decision to refuse a visa through the competent embassy/consulate of the Republic of Croatia within 15 days from the date of receipt of the decision on refusal/annulment/revocation of the visa. The appeal is submitted in Croatian and a fee of 42.47 EUR is charged.
There is no refund of the visa fee. Refund of visa fee is not possible after the visa application has been received at the embassy.
Additional conditions. The Embassy may invite the visa applicant for an additional interview, request the submission of additional documentation and/or delivery of a certified translation, as well as the verification of documentation.
False documentation. Falsification of documentation and use of it may be subject to criminal prosecution.

For the working hours of the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Ankara and the Consulate General of the Republic of Croatia in Istanbul, please check at  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia - Embassies of the Republic of Croatia in the world ( Please visit web pages of VFS Global Visa Centers for further information on their services.
Links to Visa and Letter of Guarantee Forms: 
·         Zahtjev za schengensku vizu (viza A i viza C)
·         Zahtjev za dugotrajnu vizu (viza D)
·         Jamstveno pismo fizičke osobe
·         Jamstveno pismo pravne osobe