Extension of a short-term visa

The validity period of the short-term visa and/or the duration of stay granted on the basis of the issued short-term visa may be extended when the Ministry considers that the visa holder has delivered the proof of:
·         a force majeure or humanitarian reasons that have prevented an alien to leave the territory of the Republic of Croatia before the end of the validity period or the duration of stay granted by the visa (free of charge);
·         serious personal reasons that justify the extension of the validity period or the duration of stay (fee 30 EUR)

The applicant for the extension of the validity period of the visa and/or the duration of stay shall:

1. fill in the Visa Application Form and sign it manu propria;
2. produce a valid travel document;
3. enclose the documents proving the existence of the mentioned reasons for the visa extension;
4. produce the proof of sufficient means of subsistence for the extra period of stay;
5. produce the proof of the travel health insurance for the extra period of stay.

Note: Despite the extension of the validity period of the short-term visa, aliens MAY NOT stay in the Republic of Croatia for longer than three month in each six-months period counting from the date of the first entry into the Republic of Croatia territory.

The Request for the extension of the validity period and/or the period of stay shall be filed at a police administration/station, before the date of expiry of the current visa and/or of the duration of stay granted on the basis of the issued short-term visa. The extended short-term visa shall be issued by the police administration/station. Before the extension of the issued short-term visa takes place, the police administration/station shall require a preliminary approval by the Ministry.

Aliens may stay in the territory of the Republic of Croatia until the moment of the reaching of the decision upon the Request. The short-term visa shall be extended in a form of a new visa sticker.

The decision on the refusal of the extension of a short-term visa validity period and/or the duration of stay, or of the cancellation or the revocation of a short-term visa, shall be served to an third-country national on a proper form, together with the reasons thereof. An third-country national has the right to appeal against the decision within 15 days from the service of the decision, through a competent Embassy/Consulate of the Republic of Croatia. The short-term visa may be also revoked upon the request by an alien who was issued the visa in question. In such a case the decision IS NOT APPEALABLE. The appeal shall be decided upon by the Ministry responsible for foreign affairs. Where a concerned party withdraws the request for the short-term visa extension and/or duration of stay, a police administration/station shall decide that the procedure has been discontinued.