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Hrvatska korak do članstva u EU - intervju s Andrejem Plenkovićem
In this new interview for Balkanalysis.com, Croatia editor Ante Raić gets the informed views of Andrej Plenković, state secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, on issues surrounding Croatia’s accession to the European Union. The interview touches one everything from currency questions, the country’s lengthy border and entrance into the Schengen Zone to the current and expected level of public support for joining the bloc, in anticipation of a popular referendum on the country’s EU membership.
Andrej Plenković has served as state secretary in the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration since April 2010. A graduate of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb, he also completed diplomatic school at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 2002, he also received an MSc in international public and private law at the Faculty of Law.
Prior to his current position, Mr Plenković served as chief in the Sector for European Integration in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and later as Deputy Chief of Mission/Minister Consultant at Croatia’s Mission to the EU in Brussels. Most recently, Mr Plenković served as deputy ambassador in the Croatian Embassy in Paris.
Hrvatska je konačno završila pregovore. Što to
znači za Hrvatsku? Koje su, po vašem mišljenju, najpozitivnije stvari
koji će nam ulazak u EU donijeti?
Croatia’s accession to the European Union is a historical
process which will affect all segments of society –leading to a better
living standard, increased trust in the impartiality and efficiency of
the judiciary, greater opportunities for employment, establishment and
the freedom to provide services in all EU Member States, and increased
mobility in the area of education. The implementation of EU legislation
will positively influence environmental standards, consumer protection
and public health, and every citizen will enjoy the same benefits as
all other European citizen.
Koja su poglavlja bila najteža – i konkretnije –
koja pitanja u pojedinim poglavljima?
When compared to previous enlargement rounds, Croatia-EU
membership negotiations have been the most complex so far, owing to 138
precisely defined opening and closing benchmarks in almost all
The toughest to negotiate have certainly been those chapters where the
financial and socio-economic implications of EU membership are the
In the complex chapter on Environment, transitional
periods for the full implementation of the acquis have been agreed with
the EU regarding outstanding alterations in certain financially
challenging areas for Croatia, such as air quality and waste
management, and adaptations with regard to reference periods for carbon
gas emissions.
In the demanding chapter on Agriculture and Rural
Development, Croatia negotiated a number of transitional periods and
exemptions. Some reference periods were adapted to enable a definition
of the financial envelope for Croatia (e.g. milk and sugar quotas). A
special EU financial package, the so co-called “mine envelope”, was
established for mined arable land. Also continuation of state aid was
agreed for a limited period in some sectors.
The chapter on Judiciary and Fundamental Rights is a sum
of almost all the political criteria. The domain of assessment was a
detailed review of Croatia’s legal framework, the efficiency of
institutions, as well as the proper functioning of our system at all
levels. Crucial issues included the reform of the judiciary and public
administration, the fight against corruption, human rights and the
protection of national minorities and continued full cooperation with
the ICTY.
Što se tiče financijske strane pristupanja, koliko
ste zadovoljni iskorištavanjem pretpristupnih fondova? Koje se sve
mogućnosti otvaraju u pristupnim fondovima? Koliko će Hrvatsku koštati
Croatia can be considered successful regarding its
absorption capacity of EU pre-accession assistance. The rates of
contracted funds for the so-called 1st generation of EU pre-accession
assistance programmes (CARDS, PHARE, ISPA and SAPARD) show that from
60% to over 90% of the allocations have been contracted so far (ISPA
programme contracting is to continue until the end of 2012).
We are currently benefitting from the Instrument for
Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) programme via mechanisms similar to
those in use for EU Structural and Cohesion Funds.
It is crucial to highlight that in a relatively short
period, considerable experience and knowledge in EU funds programming
and implementation have been accumulated and are being used for
programming documents and for the preparation of larger infrastructural
projects in the post-accession period. These projects will give
additional value to EU funds invested in our country.
Good exles of investments currently co-financed by the
EU pre-accession instruments in Croatia are several water and waste
management projects, as well as investments in the railway
infrastructure, designated by the EU as priority areas for the
2007-2013 period.
In line with EU policies, strategic investments immediately following
accession will be concentrated on areas important for the development
of our economy and employment incentives. They are to include areas
such as transport, environment and energy education, science and
research social inclusion and support for the development of
Croatia will pay into the EU budget 267 million EUR in the
second half of 2013. At the same time, total envelope for Croatia in
2013 is around 800 million EUR for the same period.
Tečaj kune čvrsto je vezan uz euro. U kojem bismo
roku mogli očekivati da euro postane sredstvo plaćanja u Hrvatskoj, a
kada i službena valuta?
The introduction of the Euro as a national currency does
not automatically follow after a country joins the European Union, but
is preceded by the fulfilment of a set of so-called convergence
criteria. It is therefore not possible to predict precisely when
Croatia will adopt the Euro.
However, as far as meeting the criteria is concerned, Croatia is in a
relatively good position — price stability and a stable exchange rate
against the Euro have already been achieved. Croatia also meets the
legal requirements for the adoption of the Euro — our legal framework
guarantees the independence of the Croatian National Bank as the
central bank and allows for its integration in the European System of
Central Banks.
In conclusion, more than 60% of our foreign trade is with
EU countries. Croatia’s EU membership and, ultimately, the introduction
of the Euro, will thus simplify the tasks for our businesses and
contribute significantly to the overall macroeconomic stability of
Croatia, encouraging more dynamic economic growth.
Ulazak u EU postavlja i pitanje granica. S obzirom
da ima jako dugu granicu sa susjednim zemljama, posebice BiH, koliko će
teško biti osigurati kontrolu ulaska? Kada se može očekivati
uključivanje u schengenski sustav?
Upon accession, Croatia will have 1,377 km of external
land border of the EU. Croatia will be ready to join the Schengen area
2 years after accession.
Over the past few years, Croatia has been systematically
improving the infrastructure, technical equipment and required human
resources at its border crossings, framing these activities within the
Government’s Integrated Border Management Action Plan.
Entry into the Schengen area depends on the political
consensus of all Member States in the Council, after determining that
all necessary conditions for full implementation of the Schengen acquis
have been met.
Croatia will apply a large part of the Schengen acquis
from the moment of accession, and preparatory activities will be
additionally supported from resources of the Schengen Facility Fund.
These will amount to EUR 120 million, i.e. EUR 40 million in 2013 and
EUR 80 million in 2014, and are intended to finance activities related
to the implementation of the Schengen acquis and external border
control at the new external borders of the EU.
Prije ulaska u EU, očekuje nas i referendum. Prema
aktualnima anketama, ulazak u EU i nije baš sigurna stvar. Koje akcije
MVPEI planira pokrenuti kako bi se bolje upoznali građani s prednostima
koje će nam EU donijeti?
The results of the opinion poll carried out in June 2011
show that of the respondents who would vote at the referendum, 57%
would vote for the accession of Croatia to the EU, while 37% of the
respondents declared themselves against. The expected turnout would be
around 76%. The results of the opinion polls are positive and I am
convinced that the outcome of the referendum will be a very clear yes
To that effect, we are stepping up the information and
communication activities such as free info telephone, free
publications, round tables, Euro info points, lectures, seminars,
public events, conferences – concentrating on answering citizens’
questions, addressing their concerns, and presenting the results of the
accession negotiations. TV and radio clips have also been launched on
channels with national coverage and local media.
A series of 35 leaflets about accession negotiating
chapters have been published in daily newspapers and are available on
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration website. In
addition, we have published the entire negotiating documentation of
Croatia on the Government website to increase transparency.
Kako komentirate monitoring u određenim
During the pre-accession and ratification stages, Croatia
will continue to work hard on fulfilling all its commitments. It is
important to underline that it is exclusively pre-accession monitoring
that will be conducted until Croatia’s entry into the EU, and that it
will not continue after that date. We see the EU pre-accession
monitoring mechanism as a way to provide Croatia with additional
support in its continued reform efforts.
Special emphasis will be put on the chapters Judiciary and
Fundamental Rights, Justice, Freedom and Security, and Competition
Croatia has nothing to hide and is open and determent to
be fully prepared for its EU membership.
Za kraj, što biste poručili euroskepticima?
The referendum on EU membership should be a festival of
democracy in Croatia. All actors in our society should take part in the
public debate and different opinions should be heard. My message is
that a healthy and vibrant dialogue on Croatia in the European Union
will help us to formulate policies and positions once we become a
Member State.