Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Minister Grlić Radman attends 27th GCC-EU Joint Council, emergency FAC

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman on Tuesday attended the 27th Joint Council and Ministerial Meeting of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the EU.
The meeting aimed to strengthen the partnership between the EU and the Gulf states in line with the strategic documents and joint security, economic, climate and humanitarian priorities.
During a discussion on Ukraine, Grlić Radman highlighted the European Commission’s aid for Ukrainian population as well as Croatia manifold assistance to the Ukrainian institutions and war victims in terms of direct aid and the transfer of knowledge in post-war transition, notably demining.
Croatia is also assisting in the transit of Ukrainian grain via its ports of Rijeka and Split for the countries most affected by the food crisis.
In addition, ministers discussed regional security and de-escalation in a number of Middle Eastern and African crisis areas, notably Israel. They condemned the violence and underscored the need for immediate ceasefire.  
Grlić Radman also attended the emergency session of the Foreign Affairs Council, where he reiterated Croatia’s strong condemnation of Hamas’ attacks on Israel, underlining support for Israel’s right to self-defense and safety in line with the international law, as highlighted in the EU’s recent communique and the press release from the 27th GCC-EU Joint Council.
The minister stressed the importance of continued cooperation with the partners that share our interest in peace and stabilization of the Middle East.

Press releases