Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

We are proud of Croatia’s achievements

“The 10th anniversary of Croatia’s EU membership is an opportunity to reiterate how proud we all are of the achievements Croatia and its people have made in these three decades of our independence,” said Prime Minister Andrej Plenković at a ceremony marking the anniversary organized at the European Square in Zagreb by the European Commission Representation in cooperation with the Office of the European Parliament and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.
Plenković reflected on the journey from the Homeland War, when Croatia had almost a third of its territory occupied, to being a member state of NATO and the EU.
He said that during the hardest part of the 1990s Croatia had lost step in European integration with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, who were not victims of Milošević’s Greater Serbian aggression, but, led by Croatian defenders and President Tuđman, we had achieved freedom and independence.
Positioning ourselves at the very core of European integration
Plenković added than in the previous two years we had also achieved two deeper integrations – the Schengen Area and the eurozone, saying this had put Croatia at the very core of European institutions, the European project.
“This shows that, in challenging circumstances, our people remained united and stuck to a consensus,” the prime minister said, adding that the consensus had grown weaker and that the Croatian citizens needed to be reminded of what the EU membership brings.
He stressed that the EU membership had not come easily, but that we had had to meet demanding requirements during the membership talks.
“Since our admission, nobody has yet entered the European Union and it remains to be seen how much time will pass before the next aspirant enters the bloc, Plenković said.
He recalled that the EU had allocated 25 billion euros for Croatia in this decade, used among other thigs for the reconstruction of schools, educational facilities and hospitals in Zagreb and Banovina.
The prime minister reflected on the common values and a strong system of legal ties with the EU, adding that all of that earned Croatia respect in the international community.
Youth have a lot more chances; up to all of us to use opportunities
“We have become a country whose voice is heard, who influences policies, processes, our neighbourhood, principal issues such as solidarity and strong support to Ukraine as well as harsh condemnation of Russia as an aggressor violating all principles of international law,” Plenković said.
He emphasized that the young people in Croatia had a lot more chances now than they did before Croatia joined the EU, and that it was up to all of us to use these opportunities well.
“To be aware of the family we belong to, while maintaining our identity, culture, customs and all which our defenders laid down their lives for,” said the prime minister.
He once gain thanked everyone and congratulated them on this joint success.

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