Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

International conference held to mark Women’s Day

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman on Wednesday in Zagreb attended the “Advancing Women. Advancing Economies. Realize the Potential!” international conference organized by the Croatian Women’s Network.
The Croatian Women’s Network is an NGO seated in Toronto that has been organizing the conference for six consecutive years, bringing together prominent women of Croatian extraction from around the world, successful entrepreneurs and scientists who inspire people around them and promote Croatia.
“The added value of this platform is in linking the homeland with the Croat communities abroad via successful women. This not only advances the status of women in the world, but also of Croat communities, and contributes to the nurturing of Croatian identity abroad,” said Grlić Radman.
The theme of this year’s conference points to the need for society to enable equal opportunity of education, healthcare and welfare, dignified labour, as well as recognizing unpaid care and domestic work by accepting different circumstances and possibilities that determine the success of an individual.
“Your projects are an example and an inspiration. Thank you for contributing to social changes and globally promoting Croatian innovations, entrepreneurship, culture and science. I congratulate this year’s award winners and wish you a happy Women’s Day”, the minister said.

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