Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova

Croatia continues supporting projects of local Croats in central BiH

Croatia's Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlić Radman said on Friday in Vitez, central Bosnia, that Zagreb would continue offering full support to projects of local Croat communities in that part of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Croats, whose ancestors were indigenous people of this area, must have prospects, Grlić Radman said after he met the mayor of Vitez, Boris Marjanović.
The central Bosnia and Vitez are essential for the local Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as for Croatia, which treats the status of Bosnia and Herzegovina Croats as one of its most important foreign affairs' topics and national priorities, said the minister.
"We find it important to make sure that the local people will survive and remain here and therefore we support the vital projects for this city," said Grlić Radman in Vitez.
"None of the (three) peoples has monopoly over Bosnia and Herzegovina," said the minister, supporting the expectations of Bosnia and Herzegovina Croats that the electoral legislation should  enable them to be on an equal footing with the other two constituent peoples: Bosniaks and the Serbs.
He called for consociationalism as a form of democratic power sharing between the three constituent peoples.
In Vitez, Grlić Radman also attended a meeting of the HDZ BiH party as the envoy of Croatia's PM and HDZ leader, Andrej Plenković.
Text: Hina/MFEA
